"What are you talking about!?" He frowns. "Well think about it. She was sleeping with you for money and telling you one thing then turns around and tells you a sobs story about being forced and underage and you hand over a million dollars to her aunt and now she's disappeared and..."

"Are you fucking serious!?" Michael snaps. "I'm just saying, if she really wanted to be with you then she wouldn't have just disappeard like that without telling you where she was going and.."

"I was in rehab and she ran away because she thinks non of us want her around anymore! And she did want to stay with me!"

"How would you know what that girl really wants? Maybe she wants to be back with her aunt"

"How would would I know!?... Hmm... let's see.. living with me where she's safe and happy or with her living with her aunt that thinks having 16 men beat and gang rape her neice is a suitable punishment.. you tell me!" He says sarcastically "she what!?" I gasp "it's Mary's version of 'time out' one man for each year of your life" he frowns and scrunches his face "that's why she has panic attacks and nightmares" he says shakily "why didn't you tell me any of this?" Mother asks. "For what? You think everything else she said was a lie so why bother? And even if I did you probably wouldn't have listened. You walked in today and slapped me across the face before giving me a chance to tell you anything!" He snaps "and I'm sorry about that" she mumbles "if I knew about all..."

"How much longer is this gonna take?" He snaps cutting her off. "We're almost at your place. Just try and relax" I say calmly. "I'll relax when I find her and know that she's ok!" He snaps at me.

We finally get to the house and Michael immediately starts running around the house calling her name, then comes back downstairs.

"S-she's not here" he says shakily. "Lets try not to panic. She could have gone to stay with a friend"

"She doesn't have many friends. She doesn't trust alot of people and..."

"Well who are the friends she does have?" I cut him off. "We'll call them all up and try and ask if anybody has seen or spoken to her" I suggest and he gets the numbers from her phone, which he took before we left mother's house and searches through her contacts.

After calling the friends from her contacts and getting the same reply off all of them that they haven't seen or heard from Leanne today, Michael starts panicking and breaks down again.

"She's there I just know it" he sobs. "You don't know that for sure. Why would she go back to that place after what happened to her?" LaToya says

"She has a point" I cut in and he doesn't say anything for a moment. "W-what of she didn't go back there willingly? Someone could have took her. They could have been planning this, this whole time and waiting until I was out of the way and.."

"How? None of them would have none you weren't going to be around or that Leanne would wonder off by herself" mother cuts him off and he sighs heavily. "Lisa's working for Mary now and she knows I was going into rehab"

"She's what!? Why would she work for that woman and who told her about rehab and..."

"She asked me to help her the night of the event and I told her I would after I came back from rehab. She must have told Mary and they probably had people watching Leanne and waiting this whole time I was gone" he says shakily and makes his way to the front door "where are you going?" I ask "where I you think? If they have her then..."

"Michael you can't just go over there and..."

"WATCH ME!!" Michael screams cutting Joesph off  "if- if they've done anything to her..." he stutters trying to get his words and then breaks down again. "Lets just get in the car and...."

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