"Well, Liv, you don't have to feel inadequate because you don't have such a curvaceous body," Vasya snickered.

"Shut the hell up!" I said glaring at him. I was slightly insecure with my thin, curve less body. With all the training I did during my teenage years, it had a great effect on my puberty growth. Sure, I had enough to fill a full bra cup and a little so that it looked like I had something in the back, but otherwise, I was flat and straight. There was nothing that could make Alex or anyone for that matter, look at me more than once. Unless, I had my blonde hair.

"Eli seems to like it that way," he added with a glint in his eye.  

I chucked the pillow at him.

"Enough!" Alex roared.

He opened his mouth to say more and I opened mine's to tell Vasya just where to get off, but Antoine burst straight into the room with the annoying redhead right behind him. She looked terrible, like she had seen a ghost. Her clothes, which were a long black silky nighty and a red robe was torn at the edges and she was barefoot. Her face was void of any makeup and I could see that she was beautiful, but I would never tell her that or anyone else.

Antoine had black soot covering his face and he too, looked panic-stricken. He pants looked burned and his shirt had a few singed marks marring it. "Alex, the mansion is burning the fire is consuming everything readily. It was deliberate. I have called in reinforcements to help end it and they will be here shortly," he said breathing hard.

"The humans?" Alex asked, unconcerned that his house, his home was burning down.

"They were not anywhere inside," Antoine answered.

Alex looked contemplative, until he remembered his queen. He gestured for her to come to him and she did, looking like a scared cat while she did so. She sat his lap and he wrapped his arms protectively around her waist. "Are you okay?" he murmured and ran his hand over her cheeks.

She nodded and the laid her head on his chest. They made me sick to look at, so I got off the bed and went to the bathroom while grabbing some clothes with me. I changed and grabbed my boots pulling them on. I was on my way out when Vasya came behind me. "Just where do you think you are going?" he asked, hands folded over his chest and biceps bulging.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm going to check up on the humans," I sneered. I was angry that they weren't even concerned about the house burning down or even the fact that people that was hired could have been hurt. Then, I suddenly realized it. Everything. All at once.

I was human. Eventually I would die and they wouldn't care. There was no family left in this world that was mine. I could never and would never belong in his vampire haven. My world was out there and staying here was like betrayal to the humans. We were nothing to them, just food. If a few of us died, it wouldn't matter to them. There would always be more, but if we were all wiped out, then they would all die as well. So if all ten of the human servants employed died out, it wouldn't matter to them. After all, they were just humans.

"I'll come with you," Vasya said, wisely avoiding an argument with me on whether or not the humans were worth it.

"No thank you," I said coldly. "Alex promised me no more babysitters."

He scoffed. "You think Alex sent me? You're wrong. I came because we are friends and I worry about you," he smiled.

I rolled my eyes and walked out, shutting the door in his face. It was rude and unfair, but if we were so-called friends, he could have told me about this Alyona. He could have warned me that Alex might have possibly met the one vampire he would spend his eternity with. Friends don't keep secrets from friends.

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