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February 11th

Victor hated Hero Man even more since he found out what he had done to Elly, but enough to kill him?

Victor had spent his life trying to take over the world, sinister no doubt, but Elly just might do the unthinkable. She would murder the hero.

"Elly, you can't do this." He tried again to dissuade her in the morning, hoping that some rest would help her think clearly.

"Why not?" She growled.

"He's the hero."

"Don't tell me you're taken in by that act, too! Yesterday, I watched him just walk into a bank he had no idea was being robbed. The robbers were so scared spitless that they just ran!"

"I know but-"

"And just the other day! When he dragged me to a theater, apparently, he 'saved' me from a crazy stalker that was working in the same building as me. His face was all over the media- along with mine and Hero Man's!"

"Yes but don't you see?! He was chosen by the universe and that insufferable fool can do no wrong because of it. You can't kill him because it's cosmically impossible. Believe me, I tried."


"He's the hero. I'm the villain," Victor explained. "His mortal enemy. His arch nemesis. I was destined for a life if failure when I was given this life. So, I've refused it. You got me thinking on our first date. I decided to give up my life of crime and do something with my life."

Elly looked more confused than ever. "That's it? You just give up because the world told you to?"

Victor was surprised that she believed him this time about being a villain. He was also surprised that Elly was disappointed in him turning a new leaf.

"I refuse to be a stereotype," Elly shook her head. "I will not be the damsel that needs saving in this story. I will fight this down to my last breath."

Elly stormed out of Victor's apartment in a huff, leaving him just a little heartbroken. He had tried to be good, but it seemed that he was a disappointment in that respect as well. He just couldn't get anything right. How was he suppose to help his friend when he was just a cosmic joke?

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