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February 3rd

She had no idea how he got her phone number. The first text she got from his was odd, to say the least. The next 19 were creepy. And the 21st text, she threw her phone across the wall and was about ready to call the police... but that would require looking at her phone.

It had only been five minutes, yet he had already sent 25 texts. And he was still crouching on the fire escape outside her window.

Elly took this moment to run... quietly. She snuck around her very small apartment, until she had quietly crept out. She ran down the hall, as fast as she could, and never looked back.

If she caught a cab on time, she could still make it to work.

It was in the lobby, when she finally turned around to she if she had been followed.

Thud. "Oof!"

She had run straight into him.

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