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February 3rd

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized profusely. "Hey, I know you!" She said once she looked up. "Victor!"

He felt a smile involuntarily form. "What are you doing?"

"I'm running away from a stalker," Elly attempted to be lighthearted, but looked very frazzled. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

"Hey, me too! Listen, I gotta go, but it was nice to-"

"Can I help you?" Victor asked.


"Help you hide, or get you to where you're going faster... or whatever."

"Oh, thank you!" Elly said and followed Victor out of the lobby.

"I have to warn you," Victor said as he went into the parking lot. "You'll need a helmet."

Elly laughed. "What?"

"It's for safety." Victor stopped at a motorcycle and handed her a helmet. "You can back out. I promise you won't hurt my feelings."

Elly weighed her options. "No, I'll stay. I'm kinda in a hurry."

"Perfect," Victor once again smiled. "That's what this was made for."

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