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It's been a year since we came to this place. Willow is 3 now and she is so big I can barely carry her. And I'm 6 now and in 1st grade.

The orphanage is packed past the amount of people allowed to live here.

I walk down stairs and see that mostly everyone is sleep and there is no where for me and willow to sleep.

"Broter I tired" Willow whispers from next to me.

"Ok" I tell her and head to Ms. Kaitlin's room. I walk in and see that she is sleeping.

"M-Ms.kaitlin" I call and she wakes up obviously angry.

"WHAT" she yells at me and Willow.

"Me and willow have no where to sleep" I say and she stands up and groans.

"Go pack a bag and hurry up" she says going to her closet and getting shoes out.

I confusedly leave willow near the door and runs upstairs to the big room which has everyone's clothes there.

I go to me and Willows box and I stuff as many clothes as I can into the duffle bag. Once I'm finish I immediately go down stairs and put on me and Willows stuff.

Ms.Kaitlin tells Faith, the Oldest girl, to watch the other 'brats' while she deals with us.

I grab Willows hand and I grab our duffle bag and we head to the Big van. 

Ms.Kaitlyn makes the ride quick considering she was going like 75mph in a 35mph area.

We pull up to this really nice house. This must be the house of the person Ms.Kaitlin was talking to during the ride. We pull up to the house and Ms.kaitlin gets out so me and sleepy Willow get out also.

When we get to the door Ms.Kaitlin knocks and about 1 minute later the door opens and a lady stands there looking tired but happy.

"This is Willow and that's Matthew" she says and I sigh.

"My name is Carson" I say angrily.

"Matthew, Carson same thing. Anyway this is Jennifer and you guys will stay with her for a while" Ms.Kaitlin rushes out.

"I Willow" my sister says tiredly from beside me.

"You look tired sweetie, want me to hold you" Jennifer asks and I quickly grab hold of willow.

"NO, she's ok I got her" I say eyeing Jennifer.

"CARSON!, Don't start with that bullshit, your lucky I found someone who would take you!" Ms.Kaitlyn snaps.

I feel willow get out of my hold and run to Jennifer who picks her up.

"Why don't you go back to the orphanage, and I'll put the kids to sleep" Jennifer says walking inside and waving goodbye to Ms.Kaitlin.

We walk in and she walks up the stairs with willow. And I quickly follow wanting to keep an eye on her.

Jennifer leads us to this big room that has a baby crib and a blue bed.

"You guys can sleep in here tonight until I get everything settled" She says

She hands me a red shirt and pajamas pants out of our bag and she starts changing Willow into a onesie.

I stand there looking at my feet while she changes Willow. She looks back at me and frowns.

"You can get dress Carson" she nicely says.

"I- is there a bathroom" I speak softly.

"Yeah of course, Its one right across the hall" I turn to the door and walk to the bathroom.

I slowly take my shirt and pants off so I'm left in my Pull up.

I know what your thinking. "A six year old still wears pull ups" and the answer is yes.

I was never potty trained so I've slowly been trying to learn but no one will help.

I quickly pull the shirt and pants on and wipe away the tears that I didn't know started to flow from my eyes.

"Carson " I hear Jennifer call. I quickly wipe the rest of my tears away and I walk back into the room.

When I get in there I see Jennifer laying Willow in the crib and covering her up.

"Nwight nwight" Willow says slowly.

"Goodnight sweetie" Jennifer quietly says kissing Willows head.

She turns around and I head to the blue bed getting in and covering myself up.

She walks towards me and I turn my body so I'm facing the wall.

I hear her footsteps stop and walk further away.

"Goodnight Carson" she says turning off the light but I say nothing back.

She sighs and walks out and my gut is telling me to stop being so mean.

But... I'm not mean I'm just scared.


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