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1 year ago........

I usually would sit in my little old room. Dreaming about another life. A life with parents who cared. Who said they loved me everyday. Parents who fed me properly. Parents that helped me with homework the homework I don't understand.

But all I get is carly. Carly is my mom, I guess. She doesn't like me at all. And her boyfriend really doesn't like me. But it's okay because I don't like him either.

"Carson" I remember hearing my mom calling me."put some shoes on were going out" she says. I remember thinking why would we go out. I never went out on Saturday's. I only went out on Sunday's to go grocery shopping.


I hurry down the stairs as fast as my 5 year old legs can go.

Mom and Tyler (mom's boyfriend) are standing at the door waiting for me impatiently.

Mom hands me my 1 year old sister, Willow, And Tyler pushes me outside the door.

I walk to the car door keeping my eyes down looking at my favorite blue worn out converse.

My old neighbor Katie gave them to me and I was so happy. But then she moved far far away unfortunately.

I climb into the car realizing my mom and Tyler are already in. I put Willow in the seat next to me and I put on her seatbelt. "Damn Carson can you move any slower. " mom says angrily after I buckle my seat belt. I keep my gaze on my converse still.  

Blocking them out the whole ride as I stare at my converse which for some reason is keeping my gaze today. "Get out Carson and take that little devil with you" mom says. I look up and I see a big building that looks as if it will crumble into small pieces at any moment.

"Why" I ask looking at her.

" Do what your mom told you to do boy" Tyler says angrily. I sigh in defeat climbing out of the car and onto the sidewalk, with willow.

Mom throws out a bag with clothes in it and yells " Im free" as Tyler zooms out of the lot.

I go and grab the heavy bag full of our stuff and I walk to the front door trying balance Willow and the bag of clothes.

Looking up I place my finger on the doorbell and I push it slowly.

* Dinggg Donngg*


1st chapter short but good ? Yes no, maybe so.

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