
15 8 0

When I say I hate my family it doesn't mean I hate the people in my family.

I hate how dysfunctional and problematic it is.

I hate that there's arguments everyday and an obvious 'favourite kid'. I hate that one of my sisters stands out because her dad isn't that same as others.

People are always really confused when I say I hate my dad. They say that he's my parent and I should love him. That I should forgive and forget every wrong he's done.

But please explain to me how I could love the man that left me as a four year old and my sister who wasn't even one. The man that didn't help my mum, who was unemployed with two children, with any money. How can I love the man that didn't care enough to see me on one of my birthdays. The sorry excuse of a father that took drugs and went to prison without his children in mind.

My family has never been perfect and it probably never will. It just sucks that we can't go on holiday without having arguments all the way there or that fact that there's always arguments over money even though we aren't in need of it.

In all honestly I'm just really not happy right now and I needed to let some of this out.

Stay street, stay alive- Oli

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