
29 4 15

-I'm so bored wtf I don't like weekends.


-My legs really hurt from Friday. We did this thing in P.E called Insanity and its like a 25 minute thing and every thirty seconds it changes what you're doing. Its horrible but a great way to lose weight so I'm fine with it.


-I'm procrastinating on Skinny Love I'm sorry! Chapter will be up asap but I'm a piece of trash so its gonna be terrible, sorry.


-I'm supposed to be going to Flamingo Land with my best friend but my mum wants to go stay in our caravan we have at the seaside but idk how to let her down and I don't wanna disappoint her and omg.


An old internet friend messaged me yesterday and idk why but I was so excited to talk to her for some reason.

I love talking to you guys so message me, I'm lonely and in need of human interaction so feel free to snapchat or Instagram me, or even message me on here.


My friend was judging me so hard for watching LeafyIsHere and idk why. I get it, he's offensive but come on! It's not affecting (effecting?) you so leave.


I wanna start drafting another fanfic so you can recommend whatever you want.


stay street, stay alive -Oli.

love ya

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