Double Trouble

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Yang: Vance Joy-Riptide

Yang: Vance Joy-Riptide

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Sota's POV

I'd decided to wear my ear piercings just to show off a bit. My shows gave the street a slight glow as I walked uptown. Piro had told me his brother was driving him to the party.I could tell they were gonna be late , traffic was heavy tonight. I could hear music from the distance growing louder and louder as I came close to my destination.

I was expecting a stereotypical mansion but this was just as great. A lavender house with lights wrapped around the porch. A fountain that seemed to have alcohol flowing out of it. A smoke machine spewing out fog onto the lawn. This was only the beginning.

I squeezed through the groups of intoxicated teens until the music from inside the house filled my ears. Soon I was intoxicated and wild. My body moving fast to the beat of the music, my words slurring as I tried to sing along. Then this all came to a halt for a moment. The whole room seemed to quiet, as if it were frozen I'm time, as I locked eyes with the older of the two sisters. Yin.

Her appearance was drastically different from earlier. Her white hair was now a rainbow of colors, a visor now covered her beautiful eyes, and she was dressed in all white from head to toe except for two red bows. One was on her neck, another was around her waist. I stared, admiring her. She then walked slow and careful down the steps with a tray, full with shot glasses.

Her sister soon followed. Both of them started passing out the drinks. Soon Yang made her way to me,I noticed the few strands of blonde among her black hair. I accepted the drink and chugged it down quickly. The entire room seemed to become liquid, the lights all blurred. I continued to dance.

I checked my phone, it was half past midnight and the party was still going on. The crowd seemed to be growing smaller though. A pair of hands grabbed me from behind and lightly tugged me backwards. I blindly followed. I could feel the slight incline as I was lead upstairs.

We entered a dark room. The hands seemed to dissapear. Suddenly a purple light filled the room,a familiar face appeared in front of me. Her white hair turned a shade of lavender.
"Let's have a bit of fun."Yin spoke , I could hear the lust in her voice. The door slammed behind me. Yang's black hair brished my cheek as she walked to join her sister.

"This should be interesting."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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