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Ren: Subtact and Jay Rodger- Burden

Ren: Subtact and Jay Rodger- Burden

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Chapter 2: Something New

Everyday. He'd been beating me to every ghost. Finally I'd had enough of it. "Why!" I asked after he'd been done with a level three ghost. He was surprised to find me watching him again. "Why do you keep stealing my kills?" I asked when he didn't answer. "I'm not, I'm just doing my job." He replied while putting his swords away. "Why do you want to kill ghosts so bad anyway?" The question came out of no where. "That's private." I whisper-screamed, while trying to hold back tears. Flashbacks of my parents came flooding back. "Ju-just stay out of my way." Those were my last words to him that day before I ran. I never ran from anything. Why was I running now?

It was Saturday. The thought stayed with me for almost a week. Throughout the week I'd noticed frequent power outages that seemed to come out of no where.
I felt a vibration on my wrist as another ghost alert came through. It didn't take long before I found the ghost. Or should I say the ghost's trail of destruction. I heard a loud crash and before long the unexpected happened. A humongous truck came tearing through the intersection I was standing at. It wasn't just any truck it was armored and had a giant tank canon on its roof. And at it's steering wheel, a level 10 ghost.

The truck crashed through buildings and shot at houses. Without thinking I kept into action. I put my gun into grapple mode and hooked myself to the truck. The rubble flying through the air made it hard to see and before I knew it I was being thrown through an office building. As I was screaming excuse me's and sorry's I finally noticed where I was. I also noticed where the truck was. We were 10 stories off the ground, myself still smashing through cubicles and the truck zooming up a skyscraper.

I was worried when fighting this ghost. Worried for my life. Worried for the citizen's live's. I crashed through the last window and swung wildly behind the vehicle. The giant canon on the roof moved to aim at me. It fired multiple shots downward at me. As the ghost's armed truck reach the top of the skyscraper my grappling gun's rope was shot by the truck's energy blast.

I felt my body slow for an instant and then I fell. I could see the citizen's small faces getting closer and closer. I could see the truck crashing through skyscrapers and shooting water towers down. I could see my tears flying up as if there wasn't gravity to make them run down my face.

I stopped

I felt myself stop falling. He was there. I spotted his sword jabbed into the side of a building, him holding onto the handle. I saw his face a warm smile etched on his face. "I can't do this alone, I need you to help me stop this ghost." Before I could reply he was surrounded by some sort of green energy. Suddenly he jumped in the direction of the truck. He was fast, even faster than me.

Getting a grip of myself I fired at the trucks tires. A loud pop was heard as they burst. The truck went to fire again but this time the canon's fire was stopped. In the blink of an eye Sota had sliced the canon in half. I fired my gun 3 more times and soon the truck wasn't mobile.

Sota and I dropped to the ground. The battle wasn't over. I knew that. Sota knew that. The ghost stepped out of the vehicle. What happened next was something I hadn't seen before.

It grew.

The ghost grew to the size of a two story building. Then it retrofits fist back ready to deliver the gigantic blow. I fired until I was out of bullets. The ghost didn't budge. The fist came flying towards us. The screams and bones shattering from Sota and I didn't come like I'd expected them to.
The energy that had once surrounded sota had acted as a shield. The ghost pulled its fist back again. I reloaded, but before I could shoot Sota flung me at the ghost one of his swords zooming towards the ghost in front of me. He must've thrown it slightly before. The sword sliced into the host's forehead. It wasn't enough.

The cut wasn't deep enough. I landed on the ghost's forehead and before it could react I flung the sword from the ghost's head and replaced it was my gun. I charged my shot. The sound of a large shot rang through the cold October air. The ghost seemed to expand like a balloon and exploded. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as I was flung back.

I felt the same feeling as earlier. It was different though. This time when he caught me it felt much warmer. I welcomed this embrace. I wanted to be caught by him and no one else.

This feeling was something new.

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