Chapter 29.

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Carlo's Point of view (POV)

This party was louder then I like but I knew it was what she needed. I saw her at Sofia's party that night and I could tell she was having fun, I just need to make sure she does get as drunk as she did at that one.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind me to the kitchen to get us some drinks.
The party had gotten pretty full since earlier when I left to go pick her up from her place. I felt bad because having this party means she had to postpone her sleepover with Phoebe and Riley but they were both cool with it. Unsurprisingly.
In the kitchen we had to push past a group of guys playing beer pong and a couple who were in a heavy make-out session to get to the fridges.
I reached in and pulled out a beer for myself and a cruiser for willow. She smiled appreciatively.
'I'm going to go see Rafael and the guys' she nodded and told me she'll be looking for Riley. I nodded back and we went our seperate ways. It hurt watching her walk away, but it's not like we were fighting or anything, we've only been together a day, but it feels like a lifetime.

One hour later...

She looked so stupidly happy as she danced on my dinning room table. What is with her and tables? As soon as she saw me she jumped at me and I barely caught her in time. She squealed in happiness, causing me to grin from ear to ear. She's just so darn cute. But I should not have let her get like this.
I put on down on her feet causing her to pout like a little kid. I shook my head laughing at her attempt to get what she wants and ruffled her hair causing her to scowl and try to fix it. 'That wasn't nice' she said in a childish voice ' you owe me now!' Uh oh.
She got a big devilish grin on her face. I gulped and took a step back, but she grabbed my arm and dragged me towards where the DJ deck was and quietly gave a piece of paper to the wannabe DJ, just a kid from school who knows how to spin, and then dragged me out to the dance floor.
' willow, I really don't danc-' I was interrupted by the song change. It was a slow song, 'Give me love' by Ed Sheeran, to be exact. 'Too bad, you owe me, it took a lot of effort to straighten my hair tonight' she quickly gave me a small scowl which was quickly replaced when I grabbed her hands and spun her out then back into my chest. When I saw her face, she was full on grinning. 'Can't dance aye?' She asked jokingly.
I looked around the room avoiding eye contact as I said quietly 'my mother wanted me to be a dancer when I was eight'.
She laughed ' and you didn't argue?'
I felt my ears go bright red ' she told me I'd get lots of girls because girls love boys who dance' willow bit her lip trying to hold in her laugh. At least she tried.  But after seeing her bite her lip I couldn't take my eyes off them. And boy did she notice 'like something you see?' She said smugly. I like drinking willow. I mean I like normal willow but drinking willow is so open.  ' nope' I said popping the P. She snorted and turned on her heel away from me, but I caught her wrist and turned her into me then pushed her out and spun her three times before pulling her back to me, both of us a little short of breath. 'Let's go get something to drink' she nodded.

Big mistake there.

Another hour later....

'I HEAR YOUR HEARTBEAT TO THE BEAT OF THE DRUMS! OH WHAT A SHAME THAT YOU CAME HERE WITH SOMEOOONE! SO WHILE YOUR HERE IN MY ARMS LETS MAKE THE MOST OF THE NIGHT LIKE WE'RE GONNA DIE YOUNG!' willow screamed along with the song from up on the table. I sighed at her. The girl needs to work on her drinking. She was up there with Riley this time and they were doing some kind of weird, but still very attractive, dance with their hands in the air and their hips swaying. I looked across the room to see Samuel, the Mate of Riley in the same sort of position i was in, standing watching their girl awkwardly because you couldn't do anything to stop her.
I sighed and went over to stand with him. We gave each other he good old guy hand shake which consisted of a couple fist bumps and a sliding high five. ' couldn't have given a dude a warning about what it's like to have a mate?' I joked.
He snorted ' god, their impossible. I swear every mate any guy has ever had is some kind of crazy party girl. Although Riley's wasn't like this until your girl came along'
'That willow for you' I laughed. We both looked up to see the girls not there. Instantly we looked at each other and chose to split up.
I went to the kitchen to see if they went to get drinks but it was still just a bunch of guys playing beer pong and now a different couple making out.
' willow just hold it in for a second' I heard as I passed the hallway that led to the bedrooms and bathrooms.
I looked down and saw Riley holding a chubby cheeked willow. It took me a moment to realise she was trying not to throw up. God the idiot was waiting for the bathroom. Doesn't she know that it's probably a couple doing the dirty in there and they may take a while. I ran to her and quickly rushed her to my room. 'Riley go find Samuel, he's looking for you near the living room' she nodded and ran out. I rushed willow to my bathroom where she bolted to the toilet and spat out he contents of her mouth into the bowl. Not long after spitting it out did another round come up. I sat down behind her and rubbed her back as she threw up. 'Shhh' I soothedand reached over and tied her hair back with a hair tie I found on the bathroom floor.
We stayed that way for another ten minutes before she finally stopped vomiting and slowly began to fall asleep on me. 'Princess, wake up. You need to shower' she slowly nodded and I helped her stand ' are you okay to get in there yourself?' She again nodded. I went to leave when she stopped me ' I have no clothes to wear after my shower' she said quietly. ' it's okay I'll get you something and leave it at the door' she thanked me and I closed the door and went back down to the party.

Willows POV.

I woke up with a pounding in my head. Where am I? I slowly sat up trying not to move my head to much. I took in my surroundings. Carlos room. And I'm in Carlos bed. Alone. But where is Carlo?
I went to go look but my question was answered when I heard someone moving at the end of the bed. Where the couch is.
I couldn't help it, I wanted to see what he looked like as he slept, so I crawled to the end of the bed and peered down at his sleeping figure, he's just so darn cute. I went to get a closer look at him but I lost my grip on the bed frame where my hand was rested and I ended up tumbling forward onto Carlo, who was now not asleep. I ended up half on half off the couch, my head being off the couch and also pounding from a hangover. Carlo turned his head from under me to see his attacker but when he realised it was me he broke into smile 'care to explain?' He laughed.
'Nope' I said popping the P. He grinned.
'Uhh a little help?' I asked and he answered by pulling me up onto the couch fully. I would have been sitting on his Laying figure if he hadn't somehow done some crazy ninja karate move and had me end up laying down and having him sit on me. 'Your killing me fatty' I wheezed under his weight. He put on a mock hurt face and crossed his arms and glared at me ' take it back' he demanded.
'Hmmm, let me think about that... no' I joked. 'Oh really? Because from what I can tell' he pointed at our position 'I could easily torture you, unless you take it back'
I stared at him ' you wouldn't..'
'I would. Now let's see, is our princess ticklish?' I gaped at him. Oh no.
He put an evil grin on his face and being to tickle my sides causing my to giggle. He then began to tickle my neck causing me to have what probably looked like a fit. 'Pleas stop! Stop' I wheezed. And he did just that. And suddenly we were other surveying our current position. I was still laying down on my back but I had my knees bent up and Carlo was laying on his stomach on me with his body in between my legs. I then realised what I was wearing. One of his shirts which was far to big for me, and no pants, just underwear. I blushed and he took the opportunity to begin tickling me again. I could think of only one way to stop this. So I grabbed his face and threw my lips against his.

Hey my little moons!
Hope you liked this chapter. I'm totally obsessed with it. I've been wanting to write this one for ages.
I honestly think Carlo and willow are the cutest couple ever!
I'm going to be adding more of the pack type of stuff into the next chapter and more than likely some more cute stuff like this chapter.

Vote, comment, enjoy!

Different BordersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora