My Response to Fanfiction Rants

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I understand that many Wattpad authors express their disgust for the OCs that other authors write for Naruto Fanfictions. They describe the OCs as Mary Sues. They write rant books about every little detail that they dislike and gather a crowd of fellow critics who agree with them.

As per a comment, OC can stand for "Original Content" and "Original Character." 

On the other hand, Wattpad also has readers who love those types of OCs. They continuously look for their definition of "exciting" Naruto Fanfictions and bestow generous happy comments regarding the book. It matters not to them that the grammar is completely twisted, or that the OC's profile has confusing contradictions. All they care is that the OC is portrayed as this wonderful person who is capable of controlling everyone.

Finally, Wattpad has readers who leave comments about how the story is written, such as grammar mistakes, the story's progression, the characterization flow, and any confusion the author has made in the story. They appreciate the little details, the extra details, and the long list of details that actually has no purpose to the story or to the OC. They tend to lean towards the unique side of the OC, but that must be my imagination.

I do not intend to specifically categorize anyone into these three critics. Any authors can have combined characteristics of two or all three types.

Now, to simplify matters, I shall rename the "we hate Mary Sue OCs" critics the Realistic Critics or the "Realistics." For the "we love all Naruto Fanfictions" readers, I shall rename them as the Fantasy Appreciates or the "Fantasiates." The last type of critics shall be renamed the Editors.

Yes, I know that Fantasiates isn't a real word. It is for the sake of simplifying matters. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to represent a specific noun by a incredibly long string of adjectives?

For example, The authors who hate Naruto Fanfiction Mary Sues offer to publicly review Naruto Fanfictions by other authors.

Allow me to count how long that title is. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. I refuse to using a phrase of seven words to describe a group of people when I can use one word.

For those who are new to Naruto Fanfiction, allow me to explain what Realistics dislike about Naruto Fanfictions. These critics typically dislike Other Characters who have overpowered kekkai genkai, have a stereotypical "sob story," and are unrealistically loved by everybody, despite their personality. Warning! This is only a few of what they dislike.

Realistics tend to favor characters with a "normal" background, a flaw of some sort that they can learn to develop from, or are realistically portrayed based on their age. For example, if the OC (Other Character) is an Academy student, Realistics expect this character to have an "appropriate" 11-12 year old body and little or no weapons.

As for the Fantasiates, they love the amazing protégés, the unique Kekkai Genkai's, the lovey-dovey romance, and basically everything Fanfiction stories have to offer. These kinds of readers appreciate all Fanfictions regardless of Mary Sue's or not. They like stories that don't follow the plot, hence sparing the death of many beloved characters, and only dislike incomplete books, hanging plots, or books that are left unfinished forever.

As I mentioned before, not everyone falls into each specific category of critics or readers. Any author may have a mix of different characteristics from all three sections.

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