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I was exhausted.



To the point where I almost didn't even have enough energy to open my eyes but I forced myself. I didn't want to be in the darkness anymore, I just wanted to know I wasn't anywhere near motel or whatever that building was. 

Cracking open my eyes, there wasn't any bright lights to burn my eyes so I opened them completely. Looking around with just my eyes and keeping my head still, I was obviously in a hospital room. I saw the machines I was hooked up to, the curtain that separated me from the other patient I may have been sharing a room with and I felt the cord just below my nose as I breathed in the oxygen that came from the tank the cord was attached to. My eyes moved to the left part of the room and I found CJ slumped over the edge of the counter, his head buried in his arms like he used to do back when we were in school. 

I opened my mouth to try to call his name but my throat was so parched. At first nothing came out, not a peep. A little cough I gave after swallowing some saliva and now it felt more lubricated, enough for me to call his name and he picked up his head up. 

"You're awake?" He asked with a smile as his eyes remained stuck on mine. I slowly nodded my head as I gave another small cough. "How are you feeling?" 

"Physically weak and numb." I said. "Can you move the bed up more? I feel a lot of pressure on my chest." He nodded and searched around the bed till he found the button to move the bed more upright. "Okay this is good, thank you." I said when I felt comfortable. 

"Anything you need, you say the word." Coming back around to his original seat, he reached down to give me a kiss on my forehead, making me smile. "So I'm curious to hear your side of the story. Your surgeon came in and told me some information but I care to hear your side." 

"I don't remember much. Honestly. I went to the school like I said, talked to the counselor and he said he was going to print out a paper with all the classes I should look into but his printer wasn't working so he was going to have the front desk print it out. I get some water, have a seat in the waiting area and then I was on my way out to the car with the paper in hand. I was actually about to call Chastity and tell her but then I don't remember why I didn't. Some time later I find myself in a room on towels with a large gash in my stomach. Blood everywhere I looked and my insides were literally hanging out. I saw Marquis on the ground passed out so I ran out and ended up in the lobby." I will never get that vivid image of when I first looked down and saw that gash with everything spilling out. No matter how hard I hope to forget it, it's stained in my memory for good. 

"Wait, Marquis?" I nodded. "He was in the motel room with you?" Again I nodded. "So is he who did this to you for sure?" His original soft voice became harsh and cold in an instant. His eyebrows become more furrowed and I could tell he was trying not to let his anger get the best of him. 

"I don't know for sure, I just saw him in the room when I woke up."

"Well your surgeon said you had traces of a date rape drug, I forgot the name of it but it's the shit people use to spike drinks. You had a great amount in your system. Your obvious legion in your lower abdomen-"

"The baby."

"It's still in you but there was some damage to your uterus and he wasn't sure if those injuries were going to have any impact on the baby. For now things are okay but he thinks there could be some weakened spots to the amniotic sac which could lead to a rupture. You're just a high risk pregnancy right now, with all the stress you were under, blood loss, injuries... he said technically at any point you could lose the baby. I hate sayin' that to you but it's the truth."

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