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Vanity's words replayed through my mind all night till I finally ended up going to sleep. If what she says is true, about CJ really wanting me to go far and do better than him, it'd be nice to actually hear him say it. Either way, I need to make changes and so does he but that's where we don't see eye to eye. Maybe with Vanity around as the middle man, it'll soften him up and get him to see more in my point of view. 

Waking up the next morning, I didn't want to deal with going to school. Being so warm and comfortable in this position. My phone alarm going off on the nightstand, making me slither an arm out to turn it off which let in too much cool air. I wish I was already a high school graduate, just so I don't have to bother with waking up early or staying up late to do an essay. 

I pushed the blankets off and squirmed out of bed, letting out a big yawn and stretching out my arms before dragging myself to the bathroom to start getting ready. I looked down the hall to see the door to CJ's room still closed, meaning CJ and Vanity are more likely still asleep. I'll try not to make too much noise in the bathroom, last thing I want is to piss off CJ first thing in the morning. 

I wasn't one to really eat breakfast in the morning, I just never had an appetite till after zero which made my mornings a little easier because I didn't have to fuss with what to eat and make sure I ate enough before walking out the door. I slung my bag over my shoulder and picked up my binder as I made my way back out of my room. By this time, someone was in the bathroom taking a shower and footsteps could be heard in the kitchen. 

"You ready to go?" CJ asked when he brought his eyes over to me. I was expecting a mean look or at least eyebrows that were slightly furrowed like usual but instead his facial expression showed he was calm and relaxed. Even his voice wasn't strict or harsh, just normal. Like as if he was talking to Nana or Vanity. I nodded my head and he grabbed his keys, motioning for me to walk out first and of course I did. The doors to his rover unlocking so I could climb into the passenger seat. 

"I could have walked to school." I said. "Well walked to the bus stop and then took the bus." 

"You weren't doin' that while I was locked up and God only knows where you might go with the bus. This way I can at least say I dropped your ass off and watched you walk into the school if the school decides to call because you weren't in some of your classes." He said keeping his eyes focused on the road ahead of him. "What time am I gettin' you? Regular time?" 

"I might stay after to get help from one of my teachers. If he's doing an open study after school, I'll let you know otherwise it's just regular time." I said and he nodded. "I'm sorry for last night, leaving the house the way it was but I was going to clean it today after school." I still don't see why there as a full blown argument over the house being a mess. Yes, it needed to be clean but it wasn't worth being so upset over. 

"Either way it was cleaned up. If you had cleaned as you went; meaning when you take off your jacket, instead of just throwing it on the couch, just take it straight to your room and put it away. Same logic with the dishes, otherwise it all piles up and that irritates me. The house looked like you hadn't lifted a finger in days, not just one day or a couple hours but a few days." 

"Alright, I won't do that anymore." 

"Have you gone to see Nana at all since I left?" I shook my head. "Why not?" 

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