Chapter 22: The Fall

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"When everything comes crashing down
you're all I know"

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep-Beep.

What is that beeping sound? My head feels fuzzy and I just want to stay asleep. Is it my alarm? I hate my alarm, but I don't remember it being this annoying.

"Stop beeping." I say out loud as if that would make it stop. I don't want to reach over to turn it off.

"No, that would not be good because the beeping means you're alive." I hear a voice chuckle next to me.

I quickly open my eyes and notice Nate sitting in a chair next to my bed. I look around, see the machines and the sterile looking room then realize that I'm in the hospital.

"Why am I here?" I ask him. My head feels weird and fuzzy. I feel like I've been asleep for a long time.

Nate looks down before answering."You were shot." He says with a serious face.

Suddenly everything comes back to me at once. The guys who kidnapped me, the police, and thinking that it was finally over when I saw Nate only for Rob to start shooting everywhere.

"Oh shit, I was shot." I say surprised. It finally sinks in.

"Yes." He looks upset as he confirms it. "But what's important is that you're okay now."

"How long have I been here?"

"Two days. After your surgery, you were put here for recovery." Hearing the word surgery makes me flinch. I obviously needed it but it has always sounded scary and serious. Which it was.

"What happened to the kidnappers?" What if they escaped or something?

"One is arrested and the shooter was killed at the warehouse."

"Oh." I don't know how to feel about this. Is it bad that to feel relieved? As long as we're no longer in danger.

"Wait, Did they found out who hired them?" I remember them saying it was a job.

He takes a breath before responding. "Police believe it was Aimee."

"What? Why would she do all this?" I never thought she could do something like this. I'm shocked. If I were drinking water, this would be the part where I accidently spit it out everywhere. Arranging Emma getting hurt then a ransom. That's really insane.

"She probably wanted to get us back. I don't know. But she's in custody. We are safe now and that's all that matters okay?"

I nod because he's right and he presses a kiss on my forehead. "I love you." He looks at me as he says it. "I was worried you wouldn't make it. Things weren't looking good for awhile. I hated that you were the one shot instead of me. I wished I could have traded places with you."

"Nate, don't say that." I grab his hand. "I would have killed you if you had gotten shot. I would have been thinking that you're an asshole for making me fall in love with you and you go get yourself  shot. How dare you?" I joke to make him laugh and it works.

The room door opens and Kay and my mom walk in. They are happily surprised to see me awake. They come and softly hug me since I still have some pain.

We start talking for awhile but stop when we hear a knock on the door.

A young male doctor comes in and interrupts us for a moment. "Glad to see you're back with us. I'm going to do a couple of tests on you right now to check on your status. I need your family to wait outside for a bit if that's okay." He looks at them.

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