One will rise and one will fall

The day can become one with the dark...

The text cut out after that. The page was ripped out and burned at the edges.

“Well.. What do you think?” Ana asked me looking me in the eye. I shrugged before cracking a smile.

“Whoever wrote this really sucks at poems. Like there was no flow at all.” Ana sent me an unimpressed look but I see a tiny smile at the corner of her mouth.

“This is serious Gabriel! I really do think that you’re part of the prophecy. You’re a pure white wolf, damn near silvery at that. Plus it took you eight years to change to your wolf form. Face it; you’re different.” I looked her her with a frown on my face. I mean she was right there wasn’t any of colors on my fur.

“So what, you think that there’s gonna be some big bad war that I will have to participate in and if I don’t the entire world is going to end? In case you haven’t noticed Ana, it’s against the law to give our existence away to the humans. The Elders nor the Moon Goddess would ever allow that and would kill the person on the spot.”

“But how do you know that Gabriel? What if this is real? There could be another wolf out there. Just like you only black that is planning on outing us to humans. That is planning on  starting a war-”

“BUT THERE’S NOT!” I shouted at her. I saw her flinch back and I did the same. Regret filled me instantly and I took a step towards her.

“I’m sorry for yelling Ana, I didn’t mean it.” And I didn’t, I was just really frustrated. I mean a war over the humans and supernatural? And the Gods are alive for a reason, we might not get to see them or hear from them very much but our kind had to come from somewhere.

“I’m just worried for you Gabriel. I’ve looked into it, like really hard and it makes sense. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Ana murmured looking at a group of piled books on the ground. A sigh escaped my lips and I opened up my arms. She immediately fell into them

“I know, but there is no reason to be. There’s not going to be a war. And even if there was don’t you think I’m strong enough to take care of it? I’m stronger than the Alpha you know?” I pulled back and winked and her and she laughed at me. She pushed me away and bumped me with her hip.

“I’ll see you later, I have cooking to do. You should go do manly stuff. Running or whatever it is you do with your manly life.” I let out a laugh and nodded. I did need to go on a run.

“I’ll see you later beautiful. Sleep in my room tonight?” I asked her. Ana sent me a small smile and nodded.

“Okay, see you later tonight.” I put the peace sign with my fingers and exited the library. I went up to my room and quickly changed. I mind-linked Michael and told him that I was going for a late run by the waterfall and just to link me if he needed anything.

*James POV*

“Hurry son! This is a big day, How could you even be late to this?” My father practically yelled at me as he pushed my down corridors and around corners to get to my “mate’s” room.

“Well, I overslept obviously. You’re the one who found me.” I rolled my eyes and it took everything in me not to push him back. He might no longer be the Alpha but he was still and elder and still my father so I had to at least respect him. Once we reached the room he finally took his hands off of me and I let out a sigh.

“This is it son, the big day! Go and make me proud!” He beamed at me and then looked at the door expectantly. I rubbed my face with my hands and plastered on a fake smile before opening the door. I was immediately met with the stench of blood and the screams of my wife.

“Almost done Luna, just a while longer. Deep breaths, deep breaths." The doctor chanted into her ear.

“James! Where have you been? I'm delivering your child and you're late?” Madeline's high pitched voice filled my ears. My body tensed for a second before I let a fake smile slip onto my lips and I softened my eyes.

“I’m sorry dear, I’ve been busy lately you know there. There has been a disturbance throughout the trees and we’re trying hard to figure it out. I wouldn’t want to put my future child and mate in harms way." I tried to keep my face holding the smile and to stop my face from grimacing from using the word mate. I couldn’t look her in the eyes, so instead I stared at her forehead just waiting for the birth of this child to happen so that I could go back to my room and sleep for the rest of the day.

Losing Gabriel two years ago was taking a toll on me since we didn’t get to complete the de-mating ceremony. And since we didn’t mate I had no idea if he was even alive or not anymore, just that my body, soul, and mind ached for him everyday. His face haunts me every night, the tears in his eyes when I rejected him, or the pained look he’d give me whenever I did something to hurt him. I regretted it, so much. I don’t even know how I survived this long without him. A scream brought me back to reality and I looked back over at Madeline and wrinkled my nose in disgust at the sight before me.

“Push Luna! You’re almost done, look, the child’s head his already coming out. Just a few more minutes. Deep breaths and push!” The doctor chanted to my “mate” who looked like she was in a lot of pain. I know that the child is mine, we did the deed the several times before and after I made her Luna, but nine months ago I got drunk and impregnated her. I blame my father honestly, both him and Madeline started to pester me about children three months after we did our mating ceremony. Once again I was brought out of my thoughts by a scream. But this time it wasn’t Madeline’s, it was childs’. A new born. My child.

“It’s a girl.”

I’m back!! I apologize for not updating in such a long time, don’t hate me. The next chapter will be up much quicker, maybe even tonight :D

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