Chapter 1

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Your POV

Beep, beep, beep, beep. Ugh I hate the noise of the alarm of a morning especially a Monday because that means one thing..... School. I sighed as I rolled out of bed and turned the alarm on my phone off. I dragged myself out of bed and went in to the bathroom which was attached on my room, I showered, brushed my teeth and did everything i had to, about 10 minutes later I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my closet and picked out my outfit of the day, A top, a pair of jeans, my converse and my favourite sweater which is to big for me but my dad let me keep it and I did my hair in two Dutch braids. I went downstairs to the kitchen to be greeted by my mom and 2 brothers, "Morning sweetie" my mom said rather to cheerfully for this awful time of the morning, "morning mum" I replied, my brothers were eating their breakfast what mom had cooked, banana pancakes with Nutella!
"You coming with me or are you gonna walk all the way to school?" Jason said
"Erm yeah I'll come with you and jack, there is no way I'm walking!"
"Oy twin 1, twin 2 get yo asses in the car now!" Jack yelled, "we're coming Jesus Christ have patience for one!" I replied.
*skip car journey*

I was walking in to the hell hole most people call school, but not us! "Y/n, y/n" Jason said while clicking his fingers in my face, "huh, what?" I replied I must have zoned out, I do that a lot! "Hahahahahaha, I was saying we need to go to reception to get our new schedules" whilst walking past hundreds of students either making out by their lockers, chatting to friends, or being anti-social playing on phones.  "Oh um yeah let's get our schedules" I replied not really caring. Walking up to the desk I felt as though people were watching my I turned around and saw 5 girls staring at me, I just gave them a small smile and turned and told the lady my name, after about 2 minuted of her rambling to herself she handed both Jason and I our timetables, we quickly glanced at them then at each others "yes bro we have the same lessons today" I said I was happy about that because I hate it when we aren't in the same lessons for many reasons but also as we have just moved to Miami and don't know anyone or anything about Miami, we moved from the UK leaving our friends and family behind. First class our favourite art, 'lets see how this goes' I thought to myself. 
We entered the class and I noticed that 2 out of the 5 girls looking at me were also in this class, they were talking amongst themselves and the teacher miss Lovato I think her name is glanced at us then realized we were the new students. "Oh hello you two must be the new students, what are your names" she said gaining the whole classes attention, "ugh I'm Jason" he said so awkwardly, then the attention was on me "I'm y/n", "hello I'm miss Lovato, but you know that as it says on your timetables" she said and gave us a warm smile. "You two can go and take a seat" she said and turns her attention back to whatever she was actually doing. We took the two seats at the back and glanced around the class everyone was still looking at us.
The day went on like that people asked us our names, looked at us and we took the two spare seats in the class.

A/n: hi this is my first story so I'm sorry if it's terrible and hardly makes any sense, I just read a few fifth harmony/you fan fics and decided to make my own. Hope y'all enjoy feel free to comment/ pm me ideas and stud for if you need anyone to talk to 😊

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