2. All Over Again

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I sat in my office, thinking of ways I would beg Ms Sanders, my boss, to give the job to someone else.

Immediately she had dismissed me, I ran into my office like I had seen a ghost.

I thought he was a ghost.

Where had he been for the past five years? Was it even a coincidence that he would come to this publishing company of all places?

I ran and reached for my purse. Just in case he decided to burst through my office doors and kidnap me yet again, I had something in store for him.

Once I turned twenty one, I got a gun. I couldn't sit unprotected especially since I have had to experience it in person.

He's alive. I didn't even know what to make out of it.

Seeing him made the feeling of years of heaviness in my heart be lifted up and away from me. It felt like the heaviness had been replaced with emotions I had suppressed.

Feelings I had suppressed because he told me he didn't love me like he claimed he had.

He had lied to me.

I sank to my seat and let my head fall over there table as I broke down in tears.

Why is this happening to me? He's alive.

I had to know the truth. Maybe this was some sort of blessing in disguise.

This was my second chance. Not at happiness because I was happy with George.

But for finding out the truth. How did they know my father? My father would never disclose that to me, so I had to find out some other way.

I sat up when I heard two knocks at my office door, followed by Tobias stepping in.

He immediately shut the door behind him and I retaliated by pulling out my gun from my bag and pointing it at him.

"What the hell are you really doing here?" I asked, trying to sound strong and not weak.

But that was kind of hard since it was still evident from my voice that I was just crying.

He turned totally ignorant to fact that I had a gun and still continued to move toward me.

"I'm guessing 'I missed you' is not gonna cut it--"

"I'm not kidding around, Tobias," I said, turning the safety on as I loaded the gun.

"You're not gonna shoot me, Emily," he said once he was just across me from the table. Hearing him say my name made it feel more real.

I still refused to believe this was happening. I was going to wake up soon and realize that this was just a typical dream.

"At least not here at your workplace," he continued. "You wouldn't want the police being involved. Especially since your dad can be put in jeopardy too."

He was always right.

I gave it some thought and decided to put the gun down. If he were going to try anything, he would've by now, anyway.

"Who taught you that awful stance," he joked and chuckled, like we were buddies. Like he didn't owe me lots of explanations.

I shook my head, mostly trying to shake the tears back into their hiding place. How could he just stand there and act like he had no idea what he put me through?

"You can't just walk in here like you never left, Tobias." My heart ached when I heard myself call his name yet again.

"I promise you, I wasn't planning on walking in here at all," he explained. And of course that didn't make me feel better. If anything it made me feel ten times worse.

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