Pretty p1

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"Y-you're what?" Frank stuttered, frozen in place.

"In breaking up with you Frank," Gerard said a second time. He couldn't meet Frank's eyes, whereas the other boy couldn't stop staring at his ex boyfriend.

"B-but why?" Frank asked. He felt the heavy, dry knot in his throat, letting him know that the tears welling up in his eyes were soon to fall.

"You know why..." Gerard mumbled, still refusing to look at the immensely pained boy in front of him.

"Because I won't fuck you? Because I don't give you drugs and alcohol? I don't do these things because I love you! He's using you!" Frank tried desperately to reason with Gerard, hoping to salvage their already broken relationship.

"He makes me feel pretty! Something you never did," Gerard snapped. He instantly regretted it when he finally looked at Frank and saw the hurt look on his face. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," Frank choked. "I tried, Gee. I tried to make you feel loved and beautiful. I guess I just wasn't enough for you."

"Look, Frank, that's not-"

"Don't fucking say it's not true when it obviously is!" Frank cried, the tears finally falling from his eyes as he yelled. "I'm sorry I'm not good enough! I'm sorry I don't want to have sex because I wanted to wait and make it special! I'm sorry I don't let you drink or do drugs because I know how they destroyed you before! I'm so fucking sorry that I care." With that, Frank turned on his heel and ran out Gerard's front door, leaving their conversation and their love behind.

"Frank, wait!" But it was too late. The door slammed in front of him, leaving Gerard alone. He collapses onto the floor as he shook, but he didn't allow himself to cry. No, he wouldn't pity himself. He felt like a monster. Frank had done nothing wrong, yet here he was, betraying the boy for loving him. How could he have been so stupid?


Frank ran all the way home, chest heaving as he shut his bedroom door behind him. He fell onto his bed and sobbed, letting all his emotions and thoughts out in incomprehensible screams into his pillow. At some point his mom came into the room to check in him, but he was asleep, all the crying having tired him out. She looked sorrowfully at him, guessing what had happened to make her son look so broken. Even in sleep he wasn't peaceful. His face was contorted into a look of pain as he moved around in the sheets, occasionally letting out little whines.

ya it's short but fuck it I'm tired and suddenly had this idea, idk how many parts it will be, I'm only splitting it up bc im too lazy to write it all at once.

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