Chapter 27

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This chapter is dedicated to ............. LyssannHodack and all my readers and commentators.

Just as Lucy was about to enter her dormitory, the door swung open. Lucy ducked out of sight and observed as Hermione, Ron, and Harry pulled a cloak over themselves. An invisibility cloak. For a split moment Lucy considered ignoring it and going to bed, but she knew she'd never be able to get to sleep with what she had just discovered.

Lucy followed the Trio effortlessly, for while the cloak made them invisible, it hardly made them quiet. They might as well have been stomping and playing trumpets for how loud they were being. She trailed after them to the forbidden third floor, through the door, and down the corridor.

"This is it. Alohamora" Hermione declared. Lucy waited a minute and was about to enter when she heard a scream. Lucy burst in just in time to see Ron hurl himself down a trap door.

After a minute or so the dog finally realized that it couldn't get Ron and lifted its heads. The dog lunged for Lucy, but Lucy was too quick. She slid underneath the dog and dropped down the hole, right into White Witch's Jailer as it was called in Narnia. In the wizarding world, it was called something else. DeVil's Pet? No. Devil's Snare, that was it. Lucy knew just what to do, hold still.

A mere moment later, Lucy was on her feet underneath the White Witch's Jailer, or Devil's Snare for those of you who prefer the wizard name. The next room, full of flying keys with wings stuck to the door, was easy to bypass as the trio had left the door unlocked.

In the following room, Lucy spotted Ron and Hermione on the ground among the rubble and rushed towards them. "What happened?" Lucy cried. "Wizard Chess." Ron muttered. "What are you doing here?" Hermione questioned.

"Following you! What are you doing here?" Lucy explained.

"We're trying to get to the sorcerer's stone, it-" Lucy interrupted "I know what it does; keep going."

"We're trying to get it before Snape so he can't give it to You Know Who. He came before us so Harry's all alone with Snape. You should go help him!" Hermione concluded.

"What are you talking about?" Lucy inquired, "I talked with him in his classroom just before I came here."

Hermione looked shocked, "What?"

Lucy just shook her head and hurried on.

Snape's Secret; Lucy goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now