Chapter 3

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Lucy sat alone in the train compartment, remembering how a different train had brought her to a different place where she would discover a magical place. How similar it now was to how it was before, and yet, so different.

The journey to the professor's, which led to the discovery of Narnia was one she took with her siblings. Now she was going it alone. Not that she wasn't excited. She was ecstatic to be on another adventure, especially one that involved magic...she just missed Narnia, and felt a bit lonely without her siblings. Although, this might just prepare her for the next time she goes to Narnia. She hoped so anyway.

Lucy was brought out of her thoughts when the train's whistle blew. A warning that the train would be leaving soon. Lucy was quickly immersed in her thoughts once more, but on a different subject. What her mother had told the Pevensie children after Lucy got her letter from Hogwarts.

"Children, this is no joke, and it isn't impossible....... It was years ago, before any of you were born, three months before I married your father. It was dark out, the sun had just set, and I was walking home from a friend's house. As I passed an ally, these people, just suddenly appeared there.

They were dressed oddly, in robe like clothes. I rushed to hide in a doorway as I watched the peculiar people. At a closer inspection, I could see that there were two children in black robes and an adult dressed as any normal person would.

Then, (she snapped) just like that, they were gone. For a while I tried to convince myself that I had just imagined it, but I knew the truth. It was real. It really happened."

Once again Lucy was taken from her thoughts as the door to the compartment slid open.

Just to make sure you know; this is in between the first time the Pevensies went to Narnia and the second time.

Snape's Secret; Lucy goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now