Chapter 20

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"What are you doing?" her mother's voice asked.

"What was Professor Snape doing here and what's with this letter? What is going on?" Lucy questioned her mother.


Helen sighed. Her youngest daughter was clearly mystified.

"Ask Severus, ask your Professor, Severus Snape." Helen replied.

"Why can't you tell me?" Lucy inquired exasperated.

"I promised him that I would let him tell you. Now, off to bed, tomorrow we'll all be getting ready for the Thanksgiving feast which will be tomorrow's tomorrow." Helen instructed.

Once Lucy was out of sight and the door to the study was firmly closed, Helen sunk into the desk's chair. Helen decided that now was likely the best time to answer Severus's letter.

Dear Severus,

I am at a loss to what has caused Lucy to be so, so wise and mature. It is a bit startling to watch when she acts like that, isn't it? However, I do know when she changed, to act so, so mature.

3 years ago, when Lucy was 8. I had sent her, as well as her siblings to a family friend's country estate for the summer. When they returned home, they were all changed.

They all act mature and wise, they act...older. I know not what has changed them, it seems other worldly, but whatever it is the children will not speak of it to me nor to anyone else. It is their secret.

I do know one thing though, whatever changed them has nothing to do with witches, wizards, or wizardry.

Best of Luck,

Helen Pevensie

Helen swiftly swept out of the study with her finished letter. Unbeknownst to her, was that Edmund emerged from the study closest only a minute after she left.

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