Chapter 26

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Severus had already known that he would have to tell her, but he hadn't excepted it to be her who came to him. It was supposed to be the other way around. It was supposed to be on his terms.

How was he going to tell her? He glanced at Lucy, she was perfectly calm. She sat up straight and was completely still except for her eyes, which were reading the titles of books on one of the shelves nearby. How was she so calm? Severus sighed. It was time he spoke.


"It was some time ago that I met your mother; Her husband was always away at work. He loved his job more than her, and he still does." Lucy was about to protest, but then stopped, thinking about Thanksgiving, as well as every day that he was home. Christmas Eve, 7:00 pm - 5:00 am the day after Christmas. That was it. He didn't come home for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or any of their birthdays whether it be his, her mother's, or any of the children's. Perhaps he did love his job more than his family.

Snape continued and Lucy was grateful that he had paused for a bit to let her process what he had said.

"I was a lonely and so was she; We had an affair." Lucy's eyes widened. "We broke it off shortly after and went our separate ways. However, it was only after we had parted that she learned that she was pregnant. She knew it wasn't her husband's, though she pretended it was. No, it was mine, but she had no way to contact me. Because of this, I only learned just recently that I had a child. A daughter, you."

Lucy took a moment to digest what he revealed to her. It couldn't be! But suddenly she wasn't so sure. It all fit. What would her siblings say? Half... siblings.


Severus watched as the blood drained from her face. She believed him, but it was still a nasty shock to learn. Lucy, his daughter, as he had related to her, stood. "Excuse me" Lucy uttered and rushed out.

Snape's Secret; Lucy goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now