Piper-My Moment

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I have always wanted a private moment with Jason, Then, one day, Jason let me have it.    I was on my own in my cabin, without anyone, looking at the picture of Jason that I got, never mind "looking" is the wrong, I meant swooning at the picture. He was so beautiful and handsome that I couldn't help falling for him, and I knew he loved me too. We just never had a chance to talk about it. when I was swooning over the picture, I heard footsteps and put the picture back under my covers, and tried to look natural. Jason came in and said "Can I talk to you for a second."  My heart was beating so fast and I said "Uh, Sure. Do you want to do it here?"  Jason looked around and said "Nah, I, Uh heard your siblings put in camera's to see if anyone was keeping......uh something from them." I KNEW he meant a kiss, I just knew it.  "Uh, can we go somewhere more private?"  My heart told me he wanted to kiss me except he didn't know how. "Sure" I said and he followed me to the pavilion which no one was in because they were having a meeting.  He came and held my hand, my heart went to my throat. He said " I really wanted to tell you something, but I never had the guts to say it before."  "what?"   Jason hesitated then took a deep breath and said "that I really like you, I mean not as a friend but something else." I put my hands behind his neck and said "so do I." and I kissed him. It surprised him at first then he kissed me back. We pulled away and I said "I love you." and we kissed again. Then I heard Annabeth and Percy laugh. I pulled away, and walked toward the bush and looked behind it and I say Annabeth and Percy laughed so hard they fell over each other so, I took Annabeth and Jason took Percy over to our cabins and had something special planed for them, I gave Annabeth a makeover and while I was doing that, I heard a Percy kind of scream. and that was my moment.


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