Time and time again {10}

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Garroths pov:
"He didn't..." I muttured as I slowly broke down.

"He couldn't..." I said a bit louder as I saw aphs attention drag towards me.

I felt my legs begin to fail me as I fell to the ground.

"Garroth!" aph yelled running from one side of the room towards me.

"Z, what's happening" she asked as my vision tunneled.

"It's happening exactly what Vexx wants" was the last words I heard as my vision went black.

Laurences pov:
"Hello Laurence" Vexx said as he appeared.

"Back away creep" I said as I grabbed the closest object and pointed it at him.

"Wow a sword" he muttured and flicked his hand and it immediately flew out my hand and lodged itself in the wall.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You" he said stepping closer.

"Hold up boyo I'm taken" I said

"Not that way you idiot" he yelled making me flinch.

"All will be revealed, goodbye Laurence" he said as he disappeared once more.

Aphs pov:
"Garroth" I said and he looked up to me and smiled but it wasn't his.

"Hello aph deary" he said and tilted his head.

"Shit" Z said as an explosion of blue smoke filled the room knocking us all backwards.

"What's happening" I asked.

"Kawaii~chans got this" kawaii~chan said and dashed towards garroth who disappeared and reappeared behind her.

"Kawaii~chan" someone yelled and ran in with a black sword swinging it desperately at garroth who just dodged as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Now Aaron" the person said as my date jumped in through the window and tried attacking Garroth key word tried.

He disappeared just before.

"Sky, aph and Dante with me" Z said immediately as he disappeared through the door leaving us to trail.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"We're going through time, to save Laurence." Z said.

Yay...Note my sarcasm

Garrence: Time and Time againWhere stories live. Discover now