Time and Time again {6}

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Garroths pov:
"Hey" Laurence said announcing his dramatic entrance

It's been three week's since I told aph I loved Laurence I still do but he's changed.

He's never around at night or at lunch either.

I think he's got a boyfriend or girlfriend.

And that wont be happening.

"Garroth help me" he whined

"What with this time" I asked

"History of England" he said

I blinked twice.

"What about" I asked

"Queen Victoria" he said

Oh great another study session.

Aph pov:
"Katelyn you serious" I asked

"Of course I am" she said whipping her hair from side to side.

"But I barely know the guy" I whined

"So, he's nice and mysterious" she said

"Are we talking about that guy in the red hoodie that isn't zipped up" I asked

She nodded.

Laurences pov:
Dam sky is so cool.

But shy and awkward.

She said she wanted to meet my friends.

"Laurence are you even listening" garroth asked

"Uh..." I muttered.

He groaned and a light tap came to the door.

"I'll get it" I declared walking towards the door.

I opened the door and there she stood.

"H...Hey L...Laurence" she stuttered

"Hey sky come in" I said moving away.

What people didn't know is that sky was magic.

Not like 'saw you in half' magic I mean MAGIC.

"Who's this Laurence" Garroth asked looking up at me then at sky.

"This is sky, sky this is garroth" I said

Sky waved very shyly but cutely.

Garroth just smiled.

"So sky...wanna help me" I asked

"With what" she asked

"My England history homework" I chuckled.

She sighed and shook her head.

"I have to get back to my 'friends'." She said using air quotations.

When she left I turned to Garroth.

"She's pretty cute, don't you say?" I asked

"Yeah sure whatever" he mumbled.

I sat on my bed cross legged next to him.

"What's up with you this week" I asked

"Me!?" He asked shocked.

"Your the one who's been changing!" He yelled

Oh boy...

"And to begin with you" he stopped mid sentence.

"I what garroth?" I asked

He shook his head before looking down.

"I don't want you to change " he whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Why not?" I asked

"Because I...I..." he stuttered

"Love you" he finished going bright red.

I grabbed his hand and kissed him.

He shivered at my touch.

Good sign.

I removed my lips from his.

"Hehe" I chuckled.

He stayed silent.

"Hey gar" I said getting up and offering him a hand.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked

He looked up to me with big round eyes before nodding and grabbing my hand.

A/n: I'm scared...

Aimee don't kill me cause this is late.

She's my friend and she knows where I live and we have the same school.

So no one kill me!

Garrence: Time and Time againWhere stories live. Discover now