Time and time again {7}

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Garroths pov:
Why am I so nervous all of a sudden.

I mean it's just a date.

But....could it be more?

"Garroth, we're here" Laurence said opening his car door.

"Oh right" I said and grabbed the door handle but Laurence pulled it open.

"M'lady" he said trying so hard not to laugh.

"Screw you " I muttered pushing him towards the restaurant door.

"You'd want to " he said as I opened the door.

"In your dreams" I chuckled letting him go first.

"Your right" he said as he walked past.

"But it's not just screwing" he added.

I blushed and we walked to the person stood waiting for us.

"Table for two" Laurence said.

She nodded and motioned for us to follow.

I swear I've seen her before.

"Here's your table, I'm Melissa and ill be your Waitress" she said and my jaw dropped.

No no this is not happening!

Me and Laurence sat down as Melissa handed us our menus.

"Garroth are you okay" Laurence asked when she left.

Yeah, just had a run in with my ex girlfriend everything's fine!

"Peachy" I muttured

Laurences pov:
That Melissa looks like a handful to say the least.

"Peachy" garroth muttured

"Well order anything I'm paying so" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'll just have a coke and a Seared foie gras, poached fig in port with ginger bread crumble" he said

"Okay" I said as Melissa walked over.

"What would you like to order" she asked.

"One coke with Seared foie gras, poached fig in port with ginger bread crumble and a lemonade with Boeuf Bourguignon" I said trying not to sound like an idiot.

"Of course and may I take your names." She asked.

Garroths pov:

I saw her smirk at me.

"Im Laurence and that's garroth" he said.

I thought you loved me Laurence!

"Garroth Ro'meave?" Melissa asked.

"How'd you know" Laurence asked.

"He's my ex boyfriend" Melissa shrugged.


Garrence: Time and Time againWhere stories live. Discover now