Time and time again {2}

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Laurences pov:
I looked around as I was in the darkness of mine and garroths room, the only light being from my alarm clock.

The time was 5:58 am.

Garroth woke up a few times but went straight back to sleep.

But in two wait no one minutes he's gonna be up from six to five in the afternoon.

Me and aph agreed that we are going shopping with our roomates so we can meet and stuff.

But I'm mainly going cause I forgot to buy a new phone.

I made sure the door was unlocked so aph could burst in.

"Laurence, roomate get up!"aph yelled

Garroth frantically sat up getting tangled in the bed sheets.

Some high pitched giggle came from behind aphmau and I swear I saw a tail swishing behind her.

"Aph did you magically grow a tail " I asked.

"No that's Kawaii~chan" the giggle said who I'm guessing us kawai~chan.

"Yep Laurence and roomate meet  my roomate kawaii~chan" aphmau introduced her and a girl walked out behind her.

Pink hair...cat ears and a tail.

Not that bad looking.

"Im laurence and this is garroth" I said

"Nice to meet you laurence~kun and garroth~kun" she said

"You too" I muttered and we all turned our heads to Garroth who was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

He was so cute that I went red.

"What are you doing here at six am" he yawned

"My dear garroth were going on a shopping trip, I'm paying for the lunch the rest is yours to handle" she explained.

I nodded before walking towards the shower.

Garroths pov:
I must still be asleep, yeah that's it, laurence wouldn't look at me like that.

Would he?

"Garroth~kun" Kawaii~chan groaned

I looked at the door and the two girls were holding my clothes

"Fine" I replied and grabbed them.

"Can you get out for a sec so I can get changed" I asked.

The nodded and left and I started to get changed.

Laurences pov:
Okay I swear I did not mean to get out of the shower go to open the door and stop when I see garroth getting changed I swear.

But dam he has an amazing body.

"Laurence you out the shower yet" aph asked as she came into view.

I guess garroth stopped changing.

"Yep " I said opening the door and coming out with a towel round my waist.

"Well me, garroth and kawaii~chan will be at my car" she said

I nodded and she left.

I began getting changed.

Aphmaus pov:
"So garroth do you like laurence" I asked climbing on the parking lot wall.

"Sort of...wait which way were you talking about" he asked

"As in friendly/love " I said.

"Im not gay" he spat on the ground.

"Bisexual?" Kawaii~chan asked.

His face contorted into a disgusted face.

"They disgust me even more." He glared.

Oh Irene....This is not happening

Garrence: Time and Time againWhere stories live. Discover now