chapter 2

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for the rest of the day, i showed luke around the school, dani was with us but she kept staring at luke, she liked him. she was flirting with him too, he didn't seem to mind though. it seemed as if he was used to people flirting with him.

he's kind of attractive so im sure he is, i hope me and him can be good friends i could use some more of those.

it was the end of the day, me, dani, and luke were walking out the school but i stopped us once we reached the parking lot.

"ive gotta go...see y'all tomorrow?" i said more as a question.

"i hope, thanks for helping me out today" luke said with a smile.

"of course" i smiled back.

"bye ava" dani waved and i walked the opposite direction to my car and drove home.

my favorite part of the day.

i walked inside soon to be greeted by my amazing mother. she slapped me across the face twice.

"good you're home clean the bathroom" she snapped mad punched across the face also, i had blood streaming down my face also followed by a bigger bruise where it was this morning and another but smaller bruise forming on my other cheek.

i walked in my room and just cried sitting on my bed, why does my life have to be like this? i hate it! i hate it so much, we were once a happy family, my mom loved me and never would lay a hand on me but everything changed for the worst.

i put my school stuff in my closet and saw glass all over the floor on the other side of the room, i walked over to see what it was, i saw the picture of me and my dad where we were on the beach laughing like idiots.

the picture was shattered all over the floor, tears just came out my eyes streaming down my face, why would she do this. why can't my daddy be here, if he was here none of this would have happened, we would still be a happy family, i missed him.

i cleaned up the glass and threw it away, i took the picture that thankfully wasn't ruined and put it in my dresser drawer with all my other special things and stuff that was my once my dads and memmories of us, i then locked the drawer and hid the key so my mom couldn't open it and mess with that stuff.

i then did as she told me and cleaned the bathroom. after cleaning the bathroom, i took a shower so i wouldn't have to take one in the morning. i then got ready for bed.

i fell asleep within' seconds.

i was once again woken the next morning by a slap across the face by my mother.

i held my check in pain. she left my room.

* * *

i walked in the school building and opened my locker to get my stuff for english, i had a mirror in my locker, when i opened it i saw the bruises all over my face and realized i hadn't covered them good enough. oh my god. no no no, this can't be happening.

dani tapped my shoulder scaring me, i jumped and faced her, she looked at me with wide eyes.

"ava, what happened, why do you have bruises all over you're face?" she asked worried, i quickly turned and shoved my head in my locker and grabbed my makeup bag i had in there and tried to cover them up but dani pulled me away from my locker and shut it.

"ava, tell me right now how you got these bruises?" she demanded. "i forgot to cover them, this is so bad, dani stop worrying everything is okay, i just fell off my bed please just let me cover them with my makeup" i pleaded and rushed to the bathroom, she followed after me.

"ava, i know that is not from falling off the bed, how is everything okay? please just tell me you can trust me you know?" she said.

"i know i can trust you, i do but this is just something nobody can know about so i can't tell you im sorry, what you know is i fell off my bed and now have bruises all over my face" i told her in a serious tone.

"fine" she sighed and left the bathroom. my makeup wasn't covering it because all the makeup i had was old. "ugh" i groaned. "mom why did you have to turn and abuse me!" i said under my breath to myself, i then heard a lock turn and open i saw casey, the popularity girl in school also the meanest. she had a smirk on her face.

"abused? so what else you killed your father and you're baby brother then you get abused by your mother, wow your life really does suck but you deserve it, wait till everyone knows, nobody will like little miss perfect anymore" she said still smirking and she walked out the bathroom.

i kneeled to the ground against the wall and placed my head in my knees, the tears kept coming out. after a few minutes i wiped my face and bravely walked out the bathroom, all eyes were on me, what i expected.

"you killed your own father? wow you should be the one that died not him" some girl yelled.

"really kill your self" someone else yelled.

all different names. all day long.

dani then approached me, she looked upset and angry.

"i can't believe you! you killed you're own father you're not no good girl your a terrible person why am i even friends with you, i never wanna talk to you ever again, please just never talk to me again, im sure luke won't want anything to do with you eit-"

"no you're wrong if you think that i will go out with you or even be your friend" Luke said. i knew he was talking to me.

"told you, he's my friend he will never want you" dani said.

"no, i was talking to you dani, ava is my friend, how do you know what that girl said is true? let her explain" luke said, dani walked away in disbelief.

"you don't hate me? everyone else does why do you still want to be my friend?" i asked.

"because i know that isn't the whole story, wanna talk about it?" he asked, i nodded and we sat in my car.

"well, i didn't kill my dad or my brother, my mother had a mis carriage because we got in a car accedent when i was learning to drive, i was driving g and it basically is my fault i blame myself, and my dad was in the car so he died also, i blame myself for it its all my fault, and my mother has been abusing me to this day" i said by now with tears streaming down my face,

luke pulled me in a hug, i just cried on his shirt.

"ava, it's not your fault! im always here for you!" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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