Face your Demons

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Three weeks ago

"What do you mean he isn't who she thinks he is? Is Annabelle in danger?" He asked, misunderstanding entirely.

"No. Her Sev would never hurt anyone. But her Sev is also my Sev." I explained. He wasn't going to take this well... Maybe I shouldn't... No. It's my turn to make the selfish choice.

"According to Annabelle, she was raised with Sev. You must be mistaken, or I'm not understanding you."

"Ok, story time. I grew up with a small group of friends, Maisie Thorncraft, Lucas Ohina, Sev Richworth and later on, Pia Richworth. They told me about the empowered world. Skip forward a few years, and the final battle has come and gone. Then, someone kidnapped Sev and tortured him. And his mind... Snapped. He was going to be killed by the Elder Guardian. So I did the only thing I could. I erased his memories and got rid of the darkness. But that wasn't enough. As soon as he got his memories back, he would snap again. So I separated his soul from his body, went back in time and over wrote a baby with his soul. Sev grew up, and his mind has been healing over all these years. When he is fully healed, I will transfer his soul back to his body and return his memories. However, in the process, the Sev Annabelle knew will be lost." I explain, trying to keep my mind clear and my face expressionless. Close your heart to suffering Ella, and everything will be ok.

"You did what? How is that even possible? How could you bring yourself to overwrite a baby? How could you rip Annabelle's childhood friend away from her? What sort of monster are you?"

"Everyone has always made the selfish decisions. I have lost everyone I cared about. Just once, I want to take something back. And I will. It's possible because I have control over the abyss. I brought myself to overwrite a baby because it's original personality would have grown up to be a psychopath. And I have had everyone ripped away from me, so now I'm taking someone back. And as for what sort of monster I am, I've asked myself for years."

Present day

I dropped to the floor and stumbled, falling forward into his arms. I was tingling too much to know which way was up. It was intoxicating. I faintly heard voices, fading in and out of my hearing.


"A fox?"

"So many powers..."

"So powerful..."

I couldn't match the voices with the faces. Then, slowly, my sight returned, the dizziness subsided, and the tingling became bearable. I was so exhausted, so I let my eyes slip closed. But I wasn't in control, I was being pulled away, I felt oddly detached.

The world around me dissolved.

"All of you have come of age. It is time for you to know your assignment. You must tell no one about this until the time is right. " What is going on? I was floating, and there was no pain, just contentment. There were six other figures in this space, but their silhouettes were blurred, I couldn't see their faces, but I memorised their profiles.

"It has come to my attention that many of our children are succumbing to the darkness. Too many. I have picked the seven of you because you have endured the most suffering whilst maintaining the purest of hearts. You will be known as the demonesque seven. You will save the souls of those already lost and prevent further loss. In return, I will grant you and your loved ones immortality. If you fail me, this will be withdrawn." I looked around in confusion, who was this person? What was she talking about? Where is here?

Then the world dissolved again, and I cwoke up in my world. Caleb was sat on the sofa beside me, grinning down like an idiot.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling? I'm glad to see your ok. You have a lot of powers, but I knew you would be spectacular. If your feeling ok, the pack dinner starts in ten minutes." I nodded and sat up, holding onto Caleb.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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