Pizza and The Nightmare

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I wake, yet again, in the White room with my ankle hurting. This is really bad. I've hurt my ankle even more, I've more than likely pissed of the Alpha, they know who I am and where I came from, and getting away is going to be twice as hard.

I can only imagine how disappointed Sev would be in me. Only the Goddess knows if he's alive, but I guarantee he isn't ok. He's suffering for me, and what do I do? I go and get myself caught. Typical Annabelle. You screwed it all up again. I stare at the ceiling and sigh in despair.

"Oh good, your awake!" I let out a yell of surprise, whipping my head towards the source. It's the dark haired lady from earlier, Cara I think. Now that she isn't doing her weird analysing thing, she seems a lot less scary. She's sat in the chair next to my bed, and is holding a huge pad of paper.

"Hey honey, about earlier, I didn't mean to freak you out. I just get carried away. Your from the Moonlight Pack, aren't you? Well don't worry about it, you're safe from them now." Yeah, probably because this pack wants to keep me... The Alpha talked about this from time to time, how all packs functioned the same way, but ours was the most lenient. He told me about how when members run away from their own pack, sometimes another will take them in and make them a slave. That was why anyone who escaped was tracked down and killed. They were too dangerous to keep within the pack, but the Alpha was too kind to leave them to slavery.

"Anyway, Caleb wanted me to stay with you, and make sure you were ok. The doctor fixed up your ankle again, Darren, the dude who caught you, told Xander that you fell pretty bad on it." Really? That's not the way I remember it... Still, it would be suicidal to speak out against one of their pack members.
"So, I was thinking, whilst your not a complete mute, you must be a selective mute, yeah? But if I was a part of the Moonlight Pack, I wouldn't talk much either. I'm the chatty type, your the silent type, we'll make good friends." Good Goddess, does this girl ever stop talking?

"I'm hungry. I'm gonna ask for some food, would you like some?" I hesitated. You don't just ask for food, or say yes to an offer. You wait until it's put in front of you and you are told its yours and you can eat. Still, I literally haven't eaten properly in weeks. But the risk is too great, so I shake my head.

"You're a terrible liar, by the way. I'll get you something." She stands up and puts the pad down on the chair and heads to the door.

"Jake! JAKE!" She yells. I cringe at the noise. The Alpha will be so mad if she disturbs him, and yelling like that, I don't
see how she can't.

"What's the problem honey?" A strange masculine voice calls back, love clear in his tone.

"I'm hungry. And the Lun- the girl the Alpha brought is too."

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Two pizzas, some pop and some cookies and cream ice cream. Make it so!" She calls back. Is that code or something? I've never heard of pizza, pop or ice cream before... Cara shuts the door and returns to her seat, giving me a wry grin.

"Ok, whilst we wait for Jake, let's get to know each other better. My name is Cara, as you already know, I'm the Beta female, my mate is called Jake, and I'm 8 months pregnant with a little girl I'm going to call Angel." She babbles, whilst making marks on the pad with what looks to be a piece of coal. She's pregnant? I glance at her stomach, but she's wearing a long flowing top that covers any possible bump. Cara was walking funny.

Heedless of my glances, Cara continues talking, not glancing up at me.
"I also love to draw, paint, play the piano and the violin. Caleb actually asked me to draw you. Wanna see?" I nod slowly, a little bit apprehensive. She true so the pad around and I gasp. The person in the picture can't be me. But it is. My long red hair, green eyes, small figure. She's really good, I almost look pretty. Almost.

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