I blinked and perked up. Edward... was unusually talkative today; the same man who would rather have silence took charge of our interactions merely a week ago. He's that passionate with his job.

"Ah, so t-that's why you've been wanting to go back..." I faintly whispered under my breath, but somehow he seemed to catch it as he nodded furiously. "But Seb and L-Lynn have been so worried sick for you like... when you tried forcing yourself to work."

And I am too. That could have slipped easily out of my lips, but instead it was lodged in my throat. Perhaps it was better not to say that out loud. 

Edward sighed through his nose and stared at the ceiling. "Lynn is such a worrywart. She nags all the time and acts as though I'm her child. Kinda annoys me," he rasped. "Well, she always has been... even back then."

I could not help but to smile at the image of an unamused little Adelynn, with her hands on her hips. "S-She's the one that always stops you and Aly from doing risky stuff."

He snorted at that. "When Seb and I first met Lynn on the basketball team back in fourth grade, she was already chewing me out for being the reckless brat I was. But in some way or another... we just found myself getting along with her."

"She's s-such a good friend, keeping us in check and all," I found myself chuckling freely as my muscles loosened. Now we were really conversing more than usual!

"I guess, yeah. When I couldn't control myself, she's the one who would calm me down." He gripped his jaw, while his raspy voice did not stop him from stooping his tone. "Like from punching those whiny idiots right in their snobby faces."

I did not have to question what he meant; I already knew what he was talking about. And he did not seem to fully come to terms with them just yet.

"But your team beat W-Woodlands last match, right?" I tilted my head and shifted closer towards him. "So that's good news..."

"We almost lost," Edward answered instantly, as though he was correcting my statement. "If not for me managing to score a three-point in the last few seconds."

"T-That means you saved the team!" I proclaimed, trying to make him feel at ease at least, but... his frown deepened and his forehead wrinkled even more. Why would they still target Edward?

"Before the match, I was dealing with that machine at work until late at night, so I was... not up to their standards," he explained. "After you left after PE last Friday, my teammates came up and told me someone will take my place for the next round. I'm fine with it... until the seniors started their tirades. They called me names. Garbage, weak, spineless..."

Oh my God. I recoiled, as though those insults transformed into knives and stabbed through my heart. Yikes was an understatement.

"That's horrible... as though they weren't even g-grateful to you." I found myself clenching my hands and shook my head. What kind of teammates belittle their own? What the hell was with his team? It was even worse than I had expected.

"I felt like I was on fire, I've reached my boiling point." Edward said between his chattering teeth. "I can't think straight. If it weren't for Seb and the freshmen, I would have flattened their fucking skulls right there. I don't care if I get expelled. I just... need something to blow off my steam."

So that was why he was ostracized from the group last Friday; the reason why he had to sit alone during lunch. Honestly, I couldn't blame him for losing his cool; even listening from his point of view was already plucking my nerves. Don't worry Edward, I don't get them at all either.

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