"So... so they killed Olivia for that?" I asked to which he looked down.

"I may have sent you but the people may try to harm you. So, I placed the condition of you drawing the money every month to know your location so that we can protect you. You don't know how relief we used to feel when you draw the money which was the only indication that you were alive. We don't have any contact with the people who were protecting you so that no one knows about it." He continued to explain and my throat felt clogged up and I nodded.

I wanted to hug him but I know I can't trust him with the events that followed recently. For the second time I became fool and third time I am not keen on it even though my instinct says to do it.

"So, who is she?" I asked gesturing Lily.

"No one!" "My daughter!" I heard the two replied making me frown at them.

"She is my daughter." Victor repeated.

"So, Olivia had an elder sister? But I never knew. And who killed her? How did Olivia die that day?" I asked wanting to know the answer which didn't left from that day.

"Andrew!" Victor called making me look at him.

"No Victor! Not now!" I heard Lily's voice making me frown.

"I need to tell you another thing." Victor added ignoring her.

"Dad!" Lily screamed making me frown more at her voice.

"She is Olivia." He ended and I stared at him for a second before stumbling back.

"I hate you more now, Victor." I heard Lily's voice while I tried to breath.

"I had to tell everyone that she died so that there is no harm to her life. No one knows that she is my daughter except her team and that too recently." He continued.

"Some people got to know your location and were ready to kill you. So, she came near you to protect. This was the mission I assigned for her and I am glad she succeeded." He added while I felt myself falling into something but know it is just the feeing even in this chaos that is going on in my head.

"He needs to know." Victor mumbled and walked away along with everyone while I just stood there.

"Andrew!" I heard her whisper but I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Please say something." She mumbled and I felt her hand on my hand making me come out of my shock.

"How dare you?" I mumbled moving back and stared at her.

"Look, it is just that..." she started saying but I shook my head.

"You were alive all this time and made me feel guilty? How can you both do that?" I asked staring at her.

"Andrew!" she calmly said and moved but I glared at her.

"Don't say my name!" I warned her and she bit her lip along with her eyes filling with tears.

"Do you really think I will believe them again in this lifetime?" I asked giving a humorless laugh.

"I know you will be angry..." she started to say but I again glared at her.

"You don't know a percent of it. Do you think everything will be fine when you all will say you were protecting me or anything else?" I asked moving near to her.

"Do you really think?" I asked holding her shoulders to which she shook her head in negative.

"Miss Olivia! The greatest actress I have ever seen." I mumbled with disgust and then frowned remembering something.

"Wait! If you are Olivia then how can you be twenty four years?" I asked and she closed her eyes making me feel the dread fall over me.

"You were twelve then and now you must be... be twenty. Right?" I asked and she slowly nodded.

"I slept with a kid?" I asked with repulsion and everything following my voice which I can't even place and moved back within a second making her stumble.

"No! Don't say that." She asked with shock look on her face.

"That you are a kid? God! A kid? How can I be so stupid? A kid?" I asked moving my hands over my face and head.

"No! You can't think like that. It is... is it special for us." She said and I stared at her to see her shaking her head.

"Special? Do you really think I didn't have time to figure out everything, Lily? I mean Miss Olivia?" I asked shaking my head.

"What do you mean?" she asked frowning.

"You did everything for this mission of yours." I replied remembering each instance and she stared at me in shock.

"What? Are you going to deny it?" I asked to which she shook her head in negative.

"You kissed me for a reason. You cried for a reason. You did each and everything for a reason. And you even slept with me for a reason." I added fuming to myself for falling into all this so stupidly.

"You wanted time before I got to know everything. So, you slept with me. Which girl does that?" I asked with disgust and shook my head.

"You maybe there to protect me like your Dad is saying but you disgust me to the core than those people." I added and turned to look at her when she didn't utter a single word and saw that she is showing her back to me making me feel more anger.

"This was what you were doing all these days right?" I asked fisting my hands wishing to hurt her like my heart is paining right now.

"I don't want to see your face again. Do whatever you did for me to some other people by going on a mission or anything but don't come before me as I can't say I can stop myself from killing you." I ordered and she started stepping away.

"Remember, do everything that you did with me and let me know how they felt too." I shouted at her back while she rushed away.

After few minutes of staring at her back I fell on my knees before covering my face. I hate you so much, Lily! No, actually I hate you Olivia.

I let the tears fall but also the anger to not go away with them knowing well if it goes then I don't have anything else to feel for her or is it the only thing? I thought closing my eyes tightly and fisted my hands.


so, many other questions will be revealed in detail even though now they are rushed so dont worry

so... how is it?

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