Chapter Seven - Death Of a Great Wizard

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I rushed forward to help Gandalf when the whip of fire reached back up and wrapped around Gandalf's ankle, I ran forward.

"Fly you fools" he told us, I rushed to try to reach him in time but he let go.

Slowly I turned and used my scary looks to my advantage, I scared the Hobbits back up the stairs and out of the mountain, where they collapsed on the ground sobbing. I however collapsed for a different reason, blood loss.

"Legolas, get them up" Aragorn commanded and Legolas obeyed.

"Give them a moment for pity's sake" Boromir said his voice cracking.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs" Aragorn argued back "We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up"

"Frodo?" Aragorn asked when he noticed the Ring bearing Hobbit had disappeared, "Frodo" I lay on the rock ground trying to reach my pack, for bandages, this proved difficult however because I was lying on it and my body was wracked in pain each time I moved, the adrenaline was wearing off and that meant more pain was coming, I looked up into Legolas and Gimli's faces, they both held out a hand for me to take, I shook my head.

"I will catch up" I told them, then the Elf looked at my bloodstained trouser leg.

"No you won't" He said before picking me up and cradling me to his chest.

As we reached the forest I began to struggle in Legolas's arms.

"Be still" He commanded gently.

"No" I said shaking my head "I cannot go in there, it has been forbidden" Legolas sighed.

"They will not question your presence if I am the one to bring you here" I glanced into his eyes and read them, he showed no hint of betrayal, nor lie, I sighed then nodded.

"But if I die I'm going to hunt you down" I told him and he laughed.

"Sleep now you foolish Elleth" I closed my eyes and before I passed into the void of deep slumber I heard him whisper "Perhaps you were telling the truth about your mother"

I arched my back as a tingle of pain raced up my spine, my eyes flicked open and I screamed, the red hot pain was multiplied a tenfold to what I had felt since the quest began.

I gritted my teeth and let my body convulse with another scream. A pretty Elleth stood above me murmuring in Elvish I watched her in awe, the waves of pain subsided and I smiled as she gave me her hand to pull myself up, I glanced down at myself and smiled, I was clothed in the a delicate, yet sturdy green tunic, black leather leggings and brown lace up boots I glanced at her.

"T-thank you" I stuttered out quietly in pain. She smiled in return

"You may see your travel companions now, if you so desire" I nodded grateful.

"Thank you Milady" she turned to a dresser that stood slightly to the side and held a bundle of weapons to me, recognizing my swords whitish hue and the leather handles of one of the antler knives, I took the parcel, thanking her again.

I walked down the stairs while restrapping my swords sheath and belt back around my waist.

However I lingered on the last few steps of the giant tree as the company came into sight, I trod around them silently and wandered the forest. I didn't have to walk long before I found what I was looking for, a clearing. I began to swing my long knives gently, attacking imaginary foes. A small sparrow came and landed on a branch in clear view of me, I began to chat to it as I practiced, "So Mr Sparrow, how are you today?" I asked I didn't expect an answer and continued "I haven't been practicing as much as I should have, this whole quest has been all that's on my mind recently" The sparrow chirped and cocked it's head in confusion, I laughed as my swings got steadily faster "Don't give me that look Mr Sparrow, I know you can't understand me but it feels nice just to chat to something that will actually listen" I pivoted and when I came back around a few seconds later I hit another blade.

I saw Aragorn holding his sword out, effectively blocking the rest of my swing, "You wish for a rematch?" I asked cheekily, Aragorn pushed my sword away before lowering his.

"I do" he stated calmly. I nodded my head.

"So be it" I struck, taking him by surprise "Rule one Aragorn. Expect the unexpected" I parried a blow he sent to my right side.

"Who were you talking to before I came?" Aragorn asked while blocking my blow, pivoting and sending a strike to my right, I blocked it just in time.

"A sparrow, he got scared and flew away when our swords clashed" I replied sending another blow towards his side. Aragorn gripped his sword tight in anticipation, and I got in a light tap.

"Rule two. Relax" I said and shifted to his right side before flipping his sword over his shoulder and holding my blade to his neck, "Other than that well done" I said handing him back his sword, hilt first.

"How are you so good?" Aragorn asked frowning at his loss.

"I have had over a thousand years to practice, I needed to be good enough to survive near Mirkwood. You will get better, it all comes with practice" He nodded, and looked as if he was deep in thought.

"Teach me" He said gazing imploringly at me, I smiled.

"I've been waiting for someone to ask. Now copy me..."

It was dark before Aragorn and I returned, he was covered in sweat, where as I was only slightly flustered, I made my way into an unclaimed corner of the tent we were sharing, unclasping my worn cloak that had been wrapped around my weapons and lying down pulling it over my body setting down for the night.

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