Chapter Six - Moria and a Giant Flaming goat

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I struggled to my feet.

"Ah, it is that way" Gandalf said rising from his seat.

"He's remembered" Merry said jumping to his feet.

"No but the air doesn't smell as foul down here, if in doubt Peregrin Took always follow your nose"

I stumbled down the stairs after Gandalf, nearly falling face first after him.

"You can't walk" Aragorn stated catching me, I smiled.

"I can manage" He looked doubtful but let me continue as they entered a large hall I leant against a pole, bent at the double as a wave of pain shot up my leg, Legolas looked at me with, concern? I gripped my leg in an attempt to stop the stabbing sensation running up and own my leg but it only made it worse, I growled as someone touched me.

"Relax, you cannot walk any farther, I will carry you. Sleep" I had no energy to struggle, so I just looked up into the face of my carrier, it was the elf, his ice blue eyes were glazed as though he was battling his thoughts.

"Thank you" I whispered leaning against his chest, and the tiredness I had been withholding washed over me in a sudden wave and my eyes fluttered shut.

I was awoken to me being lain on the cold floor, I whipped out my knife and held it to the person's throat, I remembered the past few... however long it was. "Sorry" I muttered sitting up. Legolas didn't answer but just ran to the door and helped barricade it "They have a cave troll" Boromir said. I looked to the tomb that I lay beside, the book beside it was familiar. Ori. The skeleton beside the discarded book had an arrow sticking out of it, I drew a breath.

Struggling to my feet, I drew Faen carch (White fang) my sword, my bow still on my back, and long knives till in their sheaths, I knew my injuries would not allow the use of it, I stood beside the Hobbits ready to give my life for them, as I promised, the doors shook as the Orcs on the other side tried to break them down Gimli roared.

"Let them come there one dwarf yet in Moria who draws breath"

The door broke down, and arrows were fired, Orcs fell and everyone raced into battle, the rest was a blur, I was doing all I could do by telling was who was an Orc and who was not, I stayed near Frodo helping him out until he got hit by that cave troll Boromir had spoken of, I could tell he was still living and warded off the Orcs that dared come near, arrows were fired my way and I felt one pierce my skin, I shook it off as the cave troll fell, I dropped to the ground seeing the last orc die, they all slowly came to Frodo and I, solemn expressions on their faces they tried to help me but I waved them to Frodo.

I closed my eyes as Frodo rolled over, "He's alive" Sam called in relief.

"I'm alright, I'm not hurt" Frodo told them. "Where is Elbereth?" I waved my hand weakly.

"Here" I groaned.

"You should be dead" Aragorn said to Frodo as he looked me over "That spear would have skewered a wild boar"

"I think there is more to this Hobbit than meets the eye" Gandalf said Frodo looked down at his chest and pulled his shirt away from his chest.

"Mithril" Gimli said in awe "You are full of surprises Master Baggins" I looked at the arrow embedded in my leg, I grasped it and pulled the barbed head from my skin, I let out a hiss as the pain shot up my already injured leg.

More drums began to sound "To the bridge of Kazur dum" Gandalf ordered running out of the doorway, Aragorn picked me up and ran after the wizard as the Orcs began to howl after us, pretty soon we were surrounded and Aragorn placed me down so he could defend us, I pulled out my sword again readying myself for the battle. A throaty growl sounded from the end of the hall, drawing the attention of all the halls occupants, it sounded again and the Orcs scattered.

"What is this new devilry?" Asked Boromir everyone looked to Gandalf, I shook my head.

"No. No" I realized then I could not wish it away so I plopped down "Really?" I grumbled, my actions drew strange glances from the standing people around me "What?" I asked.

"A Balrog, a demon of the legend world, this foe is beyond any of you. Run!" Gandalf said, screaming, I struggled to my feet and morphed into a wolf stumbling beside my charges, more now my protectors.

We got as far as the stairs before Boromir stopped nearly falling off the edge, I grabbed his collar and yanked him back, I heard Gandalf speaking to Aragon and I knew then he didn't plan on leaving this mountain with us. We fled down the stair to the left of us and made it to a gap, Legolas jumped across and beckoned for Gandalf to jump, and after a moment of hesitation he flew over the gap and landed safely on the other side.

Orcs started shooting and Aragorn and Legolas shot back, killing a few as Boromir grabbed Merry and Pippin and leapt across, a chunk of stair fell just as they pushed off, they managed to get to the other side safely though, Aragorn threw Sam across and Legolas caught him, Gimli stopped Aragon just he was about to grab him.

"Nobody tosses a Dwarf" And the reckless dwarf leapt across the gap, barely making it, Legolas had to grab his beard to stop Gimli from falling to his death.

The gap widened yet again and Aragorn nearly fell, a large hunk of rock fell behind Aragorn, Frodo and I causing the stairs we were on to start to wobble, after we had steadied it Aragorn told us to lean forward, and we did, the stairs fell forward and crashed into where everyone was waiting, I tumbled over and dug my claws into the ground to stop myself falling over the side.

When we reached the bridge Gandalf yelled at us "Over the bridge, fly" He turned to face the massive flaming goat, single file we crossed over the bridge and turned to see Gandalf challenging the massive fire goat, "You cannot pass" He yelled.

"Gandalf" Frodo screamed.

"I am the servant of the secret fir..." The rest was lost over Frodo's struggle.

"Go back to the shadow" The Balrog raised its whip, ready to strike Gandalf yet again, and despite the situation I found myself smiling, He knew he wasn't coming out, so he made sure to battle the most dangerous foe he could find, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" Gandalf yelled and slammed his staff onto the bridge, a wave of white light shuddered over the stone, the Balrog took a step onto the bridge and went flailing into the chasm below, Gandalf looked exhausted.

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