"I do. It's okay. You go home and rest & figure it out on your own time. I'll be here."

She sighed. "If you decide not to be here one day, I'll understand. You have needs that surpass only sex."

Nate kisses her slowly in a way that makes him bite his lip after, shaking his head at how beautiful she was to him. "Damn those needs. I let you get away once and I ain't doin' it again."

Lucy bashfully grins, looking down at the floor. "I'll call you later, okay?"

They kiss once more and then she leaves.

. . .


It's nearing the end of summer & it's Tiffany's birthday

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It's nearing the end of summer & it's Tiffany's birthday. She decided to have a simple dinner party on her back patio. Among the attendees were Vanessa, Gilinsky, Johnson, Kali, Nadia, John, and Logan of course. She was nervous about introducing Logan to her friends, afraid of what they'll think of her hopping from one celebrity boyfriend to the next. It was only two weeks ago when Tiffany finally decided to call Logan & they enjoyed a secluded date at a fancy rooftop restaurant. She ended up spending the night at his place again, only this time, they didn't drunkenly fall asleep. They talked for hours until the sun rose, finally deciding to sleep at 7 AM after a kiss & making it official.

Vanessa had decorated the table while Tiffany hired caterers. Stass & Lucy couldn't make it and Sam simply wasn't invited. Logan still hadn't arrived and Tiffany was nervous, sitting amongst her friends who socialized with their beverages at hand around the patio. Finally, her phone buzzed.

LOGAN: I'm here :)

Tiffany quickly jogged through her house in her expensive heels in order to get to the front door. Logan was dressed perfectly and he actually matched her champagne-colored dress. They looked like a perfect pair.

"Do I look okay," Logan asked innocently.

"You don't even have to try." She kissed him & he wrapped his arm around her waist.

When the pair reached the patio, everyone froze except for Kali who smiled with pride.

"Guys," Tiffany smiled. "This is Logan...my boyfriend."

Logan gave a simple wave, not being much of a talker. Even though he's an actor, he still hated talking in front of groups of people. There was always a difference.

After they all greeted each other, it was time to eat. Johnson played around, pulling down on the high centerpiece just to look over at Gilinsky on the other side.

"Oh, hello over there G," Johnson said.

"Hello there J!" Gilinsky played along. Vanessa tapped G on the arm so that he'd stop playing around with her centerpiece.

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