Chapter 8.

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"Chaka!" Vexy called for the thousandth time, a worried tone in her voice. "CHAKA!"

"Cmon bro!" Vincent groaned, trekking after his sister. "Where ya gone?"

"You dont think he..." Vexy stopped at the border and looked over at Vincent.

"Im tired, Vex." Vincent yawned, looking up at the starry night sky.

"I dont care if your tired!" Vexy cuffed him upside the head. "Our brother is missing! Oh, I know he ran away. I knew it!"

Vincent's whiskers twitched as he looked at the Pridelands.

"Hey guys," A tan cub, a little younger, padded up to them, curious. "Why you out so late?"

"We're looking for Chaka, Jace," Vexy's shoulders slumped. "I think he ran away to the Pridelands. Stupid Dad!"

"Yeah," Vincent sighed. "Dad's nuts."

"I'll help you look for him," Jace offered. "If he's in the Pridelands, lets go there."

Vexy gave him a grateful look. "Thank you."

"No prob." Jace padded forward, crossing the border, and started walking. "Lets find my friend; Lets find your brother."

"Lets find our brother." Vexy and Vincent echoed as they followed, exchanging a glance.

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