Chapter 7.

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"Kion!" Chaka said happily, wiping paint off his face. "Great to see you man!"

"You too! What are you doing here?" Kion asked, wiping the paint off his own face.

"I should ask you the same question!" Chaka teased, shaking out his fur.

"I live here." Kion purred.

"I should ask you a different question!" Chaka laughed.

Bunga was gasping for breath by the time both cubs had managed to get most of the paint off their fur. "That. Was. Hilarious."

"Yeah it was." Chaka laughed a little.

"I dyed both of us black," Kion reminded him. "Of course it was hilarious!" That started up another wave of laughter.

"Okay," Kion giggled once the laughter had ceased. "What brings you here, Cha?"

"I ran away from home." Chaka's mouth twisted.


"Because my father is an evil, phycotic, murderer." Chaka said bluntly. "And he wants me to be one, too."

"Thats terrible." Kion said.

"Thats why I ran away." Chaka shrugged.

Kion blinked. "Well you could stay at Pride Rock."

"Kion are you sure?" Bunga asked. "Your parents might not be pleased about you inviting an outsider to the Pride."

"Who cares?" Kion asked. "Kiara's the future ruler, let her decide."

Chaka stared at Kion. He still doesnt know. Should I tell him? No...Its not my business...

"Yeah but right now, Simba and Nala are the rulers." Bunga shrugged. "Ah well. I trust Chaka anyway."

"Exactly." Kion gave Chaka a warm smile. "So you can live with us!"

Chaka smiled back, but shook his head. "Thanks, Kion, but im ready to live on my own now." He said.

"Well, are you staying here?" Kion gestured to the Pridelands.

"Can I?" Chaka asked.

"Duh! Everyones welcome here!"

"'Cept hyenas!" Bunga piped up.

"Definitely not hyenas." Kion shuddered. "Creepy things.."

"Totally," Chaka giggled. "But I bet they're nothing compared to my Dad."

"Probably not." Kion said, raising an eyebrow.

"Like Scar," Bunga said suddenly.

"Who?" Kion asked.

"My Uncles told me a cool story about him." Bunga shrugged. "Anyway,"

"So why dont we show you around?" Kion asked, eyes lighting up suddenly. "I know an amazing cave you can stay in!"

"That'd be great!" Chaka beamed.

"Then come with us! Bunga, you know what im talking about, right?"

"Sure do." Bunga said, grinning.

Kion smiled. "Lets go then!" Without another word, he darted off.

"Wait up!" Chaka and Bunga laughed, bounding after him.

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