Chapter 8

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I twined my fingers into Sean's across the bar's counter, content simply being with him. We had talked so much over the past few days that I felt that we could read each other's thoughts. He was everything I could have hoped for in a man. After all the false starts, after all the heartache, life was finally dealing me a hand I could savor.

I wished I could push away the feeling that it was all about to come tumbling down on our heads.

The Cubans had not made a peep after Sean and Seamus's 'visit' two nights ago. I had no idea if this meant that the Cubans accepted the new status quo or if they were gearing up for something even more spectacular. But for now the two bodyguards lounged in boredom by the door, the regulars skittishly glanced around at every odd noise, and Jimmy paced the floor with a cock-sure attitude which seemed unnatural.

I watched him with curiosity. Had he always had this false veneer over him, or had I become more aware of it since talking with his wife about his past? I could see now how he tried to project an aura of self-assuredness, but the twitch in his eyes showed the undercurrent of nerves. Maybe it'd all been brought out by the recent conflict – but I had a sense it had always been in there. Maybe that was part of why he entertained his series of girls. Maybe they helped him feel more a "real man" amongst his peers.

A tinkle sounded at the door. I turned, and a combination of disappointment and resignation coursed through me. At least this one might have been twenty-two or twenty-three rather than barely legal. Her skin was Renaissance-pale, with wavy, red hair shimmering down past her waist. She wore a delicate, pale-blue dress which skimmed her knees. Her handbag was cream, with a Pegasus and a rose on its center, and she clutched it with both hands.

Jimmy's eyes lit up, and he strode forward. "Ah, there you are. I thought you might have gotten lost."

She nudged her head back toward Kelley Square. "Had to make my way across that deathtrap on foot. It took me nearly ten minutes."

Jimmy patted her warmly on the back. "Not to worry, my dear. Come on in the back where we can talk a bit." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, guiding her into the dim hallway.

My heart sank as they turned the corner. I found myself pulling my phone out of my back pocket, clicking the text app, and sending yet another message off to Eileen.

Sean's voice was low. "No answer from her yet?"

I shook my head, staring at the screen. "It's been over a week since she last wrote. I hope she's OK. I know her grandmother was very ill. Maybe things took a turn for the worse."

He patted my hand reassuringly. "Or maybe she just misplaced her phone or something. I'm sure she'll get back to you soon."

His brow creased. "You know, if you really hate working here that much –"

I stuffed the phone back into my pocket. "I promised Eileen I'd keep things together until she got back. If I quit, and they had to hire another girl, they might not take Eileen on when she came home again. She's been working here for nearly a year now and loves it. She'd never forgive me if I made a mess of things here."

His fingers brushed over mine. "You're very loyal to her."

I gave a wry smile. "She was there for me when I finally wrenched myself away from Derek. I owe it to her."

A shadow crossed his face. "I hate to think of you with that man; the things he did to you."

I squeezed his hand and smiled. "That is all in the past now," I assured him. "I could never trust him; he lied constantly to me." I looked up into those steady eyes. "I know you would never lie to me. I trust my heart to you."

Dwell in Possibility - Worcester Nights Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora