Chapter 4

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I stepped through the bar door wearing the best clothes from my closet. A rose-colored top with a plunging neckline; its silver embroidery made my Saint Michael's pendant sparkle. The jeans had a hint of silver on their back pockets as well. I looked around ...

He was sitting at the bar, his eyes on me, his mouth turning up in a knowing smile.

I flushed, forced my feet to stay in motion, and Mrs. O'Malley's voice rose above the thundering of my heart.

"Ah, you're such a good lass, Katie. Come around back here with me."

I hung my hoodie on the hook and joined her. She passed over the small, white cutting board of limes she was working on. I took up the knife, carefully making even wedges of them.

She leaned against the side of the bar, looking at me. "You know to be careful of those guys from the Jefferson," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Half of them go right back in the joint a month after release. It's the life they know. It's just their nature."

My cheeks flushed with the heat of a blacksmith's forge. She was clearly doing this in front of him on purpose. It was all I could do to nod.

"Unreliable guys," she continued, her gaze steadily on mine. "Trained to lie. They'll say anything. You can't trust 'em."

I focused on the lime before me, carefully cutting my way through its skin. I knew Mrs. O'Malley meant well, but Sean wasn't like that. When we'd talked last night, he hadn't tried to manipulate me. He'd simply listened and been there for me. I wished fervently that she'd finish with her little sermon and move on her way.

My savior came in the shape of her philandering husband, stepping in from the hallway. "Bridgit, my dear, won't you be late for that mah jongg game?"

She glanced at the clock and nodded. "You're quite right. I just wanted to make sure I had a chat with Katie here before I left." She stepped forward to lay a hand gently on my shoulder. I could smell the jasmine and orange of her perfume – it was all she ever wore. Then she moved around the bar.

Jimmy went with her to the door. "I'll be home late again."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course you will. When is it any different?"

Jimmy turned to me. "Oh, Katie, come here a sec."

I went around to join them. He handed me a key on a ring with a large, Crayola-green shamrock on it. "Thought you should have this. So you can lock up with your own key for now on."

I thought of refusing it. Surely Eileen would be back home any time now and I'd be free of the place. But I bit my lip, remembering my promise to her to not cause any trouble. There was no harm in taking the key, after all. I'd just give it back when I could quit. I nodded to Jimmy and tucked it in my back pocket.

Mrs. O'Malley gave a wave of a ringed hand, then turned and walked out the door. She headed right around the corner to the side street.

I had barely gotten halfway back to Sean when the doorbell tinkled again. I turned and sighed. This girl was Japanese, if I had to guess, with straight black hair to her waist and a delicately pale, oval face. She wore a simple white shell and black leggings, with black, satiny, slipper-like shoes.

It was all I could do not to shake my head. Had she been lurking in the street, waiting for the very second she could enter the room?

She stepped toward Jimmy, digging her hand in the massive Coach bag at her side. It was decorated with dark pink hollow circles on a paler pink base. A delicate frown creased her forehead as she stuck her hand further into its depths.

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