Chapter 6

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There was a flurry of motion behind the two, and Moa pushed her way between them, coming over to my side. "I apologize that I was away for so long, Lea. I checked the shore for other survivors. I'm so sorry, my dear. It seems you are the only one from your boat who made it to shore."

Conor's voice was low, strong, the way ocean surf sounded in a steady wind. "So you were caught up by the storm as well?"

Moa nodded her head, answering for me. "That she was, poor lass. She's so worn out that she can barely speak, and I'm mending her arm. In a few days I was hoping –"

Conor's brow creased. "You were going to keep her in this cave for a few days?"

The blonde crossed her arms. "Well, we can hardly take her into our village, can we? Who knows where she comes from!"

He rounded on her. "She hardly looks like a marauding Viking, Sarah. And, besides, her arm is broken."

Sarah scoffed. "Her left arm. She could plunge a dagger into our back with that right."

Ryan's voice was high with disbelief. "Lea would never do that to us!"

Conor turned in surprise. "You knew this woman was down in the cave?"

Ryan raised his head, standing his ground. "I fetched the widow for her, didn't I? Lea needed help."

Conor's voice was firm. "She should be brought back to the village."

Sarah pointed a finger at me. "She can barely walk. She'll be fine right here –"

Conor strode past her to kneel at my side. His eyes came to mine –

I could barely breathe, so strong was the connection between us. It was as if he could see deep inside me. As if he understood my silent fears and secret longings. As if, with the gentle touch of a hand –

Sarah's shriek echoed off the cave walls. "I'm telling you –"

Conor motioned his hands toward me "I'm going to lift you up. Is that all right?"

I could only nod.

The feel of his hands around my body sent waves of flame throughout me; I had never felt anything like it before. Other men's hands had been clammy or rough. Slick with sweat or tight with selfish need. But Conor's grip was strong and sure. He lifted me without effort, and he smelled of earth and fire, of the eternal rock and steady horizon.

I melded into him.

Moa gathered up her supplies. "We'll take her to my house, then. It'll be good to have someone there to keep me company, at least for a little while. Until we can get her back to where she belongs."

The wild, stray thought came to me that this was where I belonged. In this man's arms. Under his watchful gaze. For to be away from him, to swim away and never look back, would be torture.

Sarah watched my approach as one would watch the slithering of a lightning eel. Her eyes became cold marbles.

"If she is staying, then I will make it my mission to help nurse her back to health – and ensure she depart the moment she is able."

Moa gave a low laugh. "Not to worry, Sarah. When the time comes, I'm sure Lea will be as eager to get back home as you are for her to leave."

I no longer knew anything at all.

Save one thing.

I was home.

Book 2 in the Selkie Tales series is Two Mermaids -

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