The beginning

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*2 years ago*

   "Florence "Flynn" Jonas and Benjamin Meccalaster are two of the best dancers in the country at just the age of 16 now if that doesn't impress you I don't know what will," my eyes are fixed at the tv while the Blaine Fields shows the whole country mine and Benjamins total wins in the past year. "Being a couple and dance partners seems to be working perfectly for these two and nothing makes the us happier than seeing these two dance," Anna Lewenski smiles bright into the camera. I scrunch up my nose not enjoying these two talk about Ben and I. I click the tv off and fix my dress while waiting for someone to come get me for Mine and Ben's dance. 

The door creaks open and I spin around to see Ben slouching up against the door frame with his hands in his pockets. His hair is untouched (mostly because that's his baby and he won't let anyone touch it) he is wearing slacks and no shirt , because as his stylist says it attracts people to his fan base. "Sexy right?" His mouth turns into a smirk and he does a smooching face. "Nah not my preference," I smile at him while sitting down to fix my hair. "Oh well at least my other girlfriend liked it," he shrugs and winks at me. "Oh yeah she wanna dance with you and deal with the sweat that comes off your shirtless body then?" I giggles while tucking the stray strands that have fallen back into my fancy side bun.

Just as he is about to respond a person comes and tells us it is time to go. We walk to the stage and enter, going to the middle of the stage. The crowd roars for us but we never take our eyes off each other. "This one's for you," I whisper our tradition to him. "This one's for you too my love," he smiles and kisses my forehead then the music plays. It's always something slow and elegant. There is a spin here, a dip there, and finally the lift to finish it off. The music stops and we are a mess of heavy breathing and for the crowd he places a huge kiss on my lips.

Once off the stage the stage workers pat us on the back and told us that we did a good job. The world tour kicked off in January and this was the second to last performance, and let me tell you Ben and I are excited to go back to school once it starts back up next month. "You did good out there Flynn," my mother comes up tapping on  her phone, no doubt probably organizing our next appearance at an elementary school or something. "Thanks," I mumble gripping Ben's hand. "Well we gotta go Nancy but we'll see you in Denver," Ben says quickly pulling me away from my mother.

We get back to my dressing room and I start to pack my stuff up ready to leave for our last show in our hometown. Ben left to go pack about 30 minutes ago so once I am done I sit and wait for him to come back. He pops his head in and tells me that everything is ready so we head to the car hand in hand. It takes us no time at all to get on the road headed to our destination. Our song comes on the radio and in no time we are singing and giggling. Ben turns is head the look at me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

So suddenly my world flips upside down with one quick kiss.


I awake to almost complete silence, the only noise is the hospital machine that beeps beside me and the obnoxious flow of the AC. I sit up and look at my surrounding and by how white the walls are, I can tell I am in the hospital. There is no guessing games for me like there is in the movies, I know exactly why I am here. I wish I had a moment of "How did I get here," or "Why am I here," because unlike in the movie I know exactly what the cause of me being here was.

Car crash

The one thing I do wonder is weather or not Ben is okay.

Did I get hit the hardest?
Did we get hit on my side?
How bad was it?

The last one was easy to answer, because if it had been little then I wouldn't have been unconscious. As for the other two questions I don't know if I ever want to know.

I look over my body to see what damage was done.

One broken left arm
One broken left leg

"Great my leg is broken now I won't be able to dance,"  I think but quickly change my own subject and touch my face to see the damage there.

One pair of stitches that is most likely gonna scar, on my right eyebrow
A cut on left side of my lip
Nothing too major on my face

Right as I put my hand down the door squeaks open. Ben rushes through with a look of worry on his face. "Ben oh my gosh you're okay, I was so worried about you," I smile at him. "Flynn, listen to me okay..." he pa see to look over his shoulder then continues "Don't hide, don't quit, don't shut down, don't fear, and most of all don't stay away from love," he tells me. "What are you talking about, I don't understand," I say.

He looks over his shoulder and bites his lip "I have to go Flynn, just promise me," he says. "Promise you what Ben," I ask eyes wide.

"I love you Flynn." And then he's gone.


"Hello Flynn how are you? Let's start by rating your pain," a nurse comes in and picks up my chart. "Do you know where my boyfriend went?" I ask her still a little freaked from earlier.

What was his problem? Is this just a big joke to him?

"Your pain Flynn," she looks at me impatiently. "Um a 5...." I say kinda pissed that she didn't answer my question. She nods as she writes something on my chart. "Now Flynn as for Ben...... he died in the crash." She looks at me in pity. "What? What are you talking about I just saw him like ten minutes ago.." I tell her. She looks taken aback for a second. "Honey, Ben was dead when we got to the scene, I'm so sorry but there was nothing that we can do. Do you want me to tone the pain meds down? I think you are too heavily medicated." She rushes over to my IV.

"No I want to know why you are making me think that I am crazy?? I know I saw my boyfriend in here," I say not wanting to believe her.

"Florence, Ben is  dead," my mother says in the doorway.

That was how it all fell apart.

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