Chapter 7

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I woke up groggily, honestly I didn't feel good at all. But I got out of the bed anyway and drug myself to the bathroom. When I flipped the light switch and looked into the mirror I realized exactly how heated we got yesterday. Small purple circles up and down my neck, all the way down to my collar bone. Now, I had two options. Either stay away from everyone for the next couple days until they fade, or put a ton of concealer all over my neck.

So I pulled open my drawer and started piling the concealer all over my neck. When I finally finished Two-Bit was walking into the bathroom. I quickly walked back into our bedroom to get dressed. While I slipped my jeans on I got to thinking. Isabelle's boyfriend broke up with her because she wouldn't take their relationship to the next level. What if Johnny breaks up with me because I won't? No he would never do that, it was spur of the moment. I pulled a dark blue shirt off a hanger and slipped it over my head, and grabbed my little silver necklace. I studied the small heart shaped pendant in my fingers and turned it over. Engraved on the back, was a small, 'I love you, baby'. I smiled and squeezed the pendant in the palm of my hand, remembering the day he gave me the small piece of jewelry.

It was the day of my birthday. 16. He had attempted to make me pancakes for breakfast, which ended in me making pancakes and him watching me intently as I made corny jokes. Then, we spent the whole day together, doing random, stupid things, then at the very end of the day, we were sitting in the lot together, with a fire going and everything, and he pulled out a little box. I opened the box and there was a shiny silver heart-shaped necklace. When I looked over at him, he had a dumb grin plastered on his face, and I practically tackled him against the mattress in a giant hug. I squeezed him and attacked his face with little kisses. "How did you...?" He just smiled at me.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is, I love you, baby." He said while pulling me into a gentle hug. "I love you."

"I love you too."


I smiled at the thought of that day. I clipped the necklace around my neck and Two-Bit and I got into his car. We drove to the DX to get gas, and Two-Bit sent me out to get some Pepsi's. As I stood in the short line to check out, there was a brown haired girl standing at the very front, which was right in front of me. She was flirting with Soda. Not surprised, every girl who comes in here does, but I set my things on the counter, anyway, and the girl gave me a dirty look. She reeked of alcohol, and honestly, it was giving me a headache. "Pump 3, Soda-Soda," he smiled at me and I have him the money Two-Bit sent me in with as the girl standing right next to me continued to give me dirty looks. Soda looked annoyed with her enough, so I decided to get rid of her. "This is my best friend. He also has a girl, so I suggest that you scram." I said while leaning against the counter cooly. She walked out the door with a scoff and Sodapop looked at me with shock on his face.

"Well, look at you," he chuckled, "I have never seen you so loud and confident." I just shook my head at him and walked out the door. Two-Bit was just finishing pumping the gas, and was started to climb into the car together, when a blue mustang pulled into the parking lot. I eyed the car nervously, knowing exactly who it was.

"What's wrong?" Two-Bit asked, noticing my sudden anxious shift.

"Nothing." I said a little too quick for my liking. He looked around the parking lot for anything I could be nervous about, when his blue eyes came across the mustang two pumps away.

"Is that them?" I nodded and saw them pointing over towards our car. I started biting my fingernails, like I used to do after mom left.

Hurt; J.C.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora