Chapter 6

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Johnny and I were going to have a picnic today. I was told that we shouldn't see each other all day, and that we were going to meet at the lot at 4:00. I swear he's so cute. He was so excited, but honestly I just think he's excited for cookies.

It's 2:00, and I've just put the first batch in the oven. My father is still gone somewhere, but I don't have a problem with it. I started to make the sandwiches.

If I know Johnny, and I do, I know to make him at least three sandwiches. So I made five, knowing I would only eat a half, or one. I wrapped each sandwich carefully with tin foil, and put a bag of pretzels into my basket too. I quickly cut up some apples, strawberries, grapes, bananas, and threw in some blackberries and raspberries.

I put them in a container and put them in the basket too. By the time I did all that, the cookies were ready to come out of the oven, so I took them out and put the other batch in.

My mother always told me that when you make cookies, you wear your prettiest apron and never wear your real clothes with them, that's the only thing she ever taught me. She was a pretty great person before she left us. My dad was happy then.

And now I have no fucking clue where either of them went. While the cookies were baking, I went into Two-Bit and I's room and set out a pale blue dress and a white button up sweater on the bed and went back to check on my cookies.

I anticipated our little date since he asked about it yesterday. We don't do stuff like this often, but we do handout literally everyday. I think we don't go out on dates because neither of us have much money, but I don't care. I like going on picnics or going to the DX to get a Pepsi, or taking pictures in the photobooth. It doesn't matter to me as long as we're together.

As I heard the timer on the oven go off, I was snapped out of my thoughts, the cookies were ready, so I pulled them out and set them to cool, and turned off the oven. My mess was already cleaned up, and I just had to change my clothes and put some water in the basket. 

By the time I was done it was 3:30, because I wanted to put a little makeup on.  I looked into the mirror one last time and tucked that damn piece of hair that wouldn't stay flat behind my ear. Earlier I sat the basket by the door, so I just put the cooled cookies in, grabbed it and left. It wasn't such a big deal walking from here to the lot, because all I had to do was walk through the back yard and around the corner, and Johnny was sitting there waiting for me with a handful of flowers.

As soon as he saw me, his smile grew ten times as big. He immediately stood up and took the blanket from on top of the basket. While he spread it out, I opened up the basket and pulled out his damn cookies that he always get so excited about.

His smile grew seven thousand times as big when he saw the cookies, he made a move to snatch the bag from my hand but I pulled them out of his reach, "you have to eat the actual food first," he pouted and flopped down onto the blanket, giving me his big pair of puppy dog eyes and a lip quiver.

"Pwease." He pleaded like a little baby. But at least he was a cute baby. I just tossed him a sandwich and sat down next to him, we laughed and talked about stupid stuff while we ate, not caring about anything else that was happening, just enjoying each others company.

When he finally ate his sandwiches, then I let him have some cookies. He took the bag and laid his head on my lap, happily eating those damn cookies with the biggest grin on his face. I played with his hair gently, pushing it this way and that, when he finally spoke up.

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