Chapter 5

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(Yes, the beginning of this chapter is mostly no dialogue on purpose)

I woke up about an hour later. Alone. Literally no one was home, and I assumed that they had gone out, probably to the movies. Darry's working, so apparently the best option was to leave me at their house alone.

My mind began to think about what happened yesterday. What would've happened if I hadn't run. Would I be dead? I remember the day Johnny was jumped. It was just before we were officially dating, but we both knew about each others feelings.  I tried not to think about it, because it gives me headaches, the feeling of helplessness that was wallowing in the pit of my stomach that night. Seeing his face bloodied up like that, made my heart hurt, and the scar that it left would always remind me of that night.

I straightened up the house, picking up all the shoes and jackets and blankets, putting everything where it needed to go. Soon enough, Two-Bit, Pony, Johnny, and Dally all came through the door. It was late, about 8, and I still had homework to catch up on, considering I skipped school today. Two-Bit and I walked home and I made a few sandwiches for the both of us, he watched Mickey and I did my math homework, and studied for my History exam.

Apparently I fell asleep on the couch, because I don't remember anything after that.


I woke up the next morning a little before I usually do in the bed. Two-Bit must've carried me. So I got up and was careful not to wake Two-Bit while I picked out an outfit, which today was a white shirt and a black skirt.

Thankfully, my makeup was still kept in the bathroom, so I didn't have to be as quiet, when I looked into the mirror and started brushing my hair back into a slick ponytail. But that damn piece still wouldn't stay back.

My morning routine continued as usual, doing my makeup, then waking Two-Bit up, giving him enough time to fix his hair and change. We got into the car and picked up Pony, then went to the school. Two-Bit and I are both in the same grade. Even though I'm 16, and he's 20, we are both juniors. Ponyboy is a freshman, but he is one of the smartest freshmen I have ever seen.

We pulled into the school parking lot and got out of the car. God I hope this day goes by fast.


The final bell rang and everybody scrambled to get out of class. I shoved the rest of my stuff into my backpack, then took my books back to my locker. The ride home was pretty quiet, I sat in the passenger seat, Pony sat in the back. By the time we pulled into Pony's driveway I had been so lost in thought that I forgot where we were even going. We all climbed out of the car, and walked into the house, Johnny was laying in the couch, asleep, and I decided to wake him up.

I leaned down really close to his ear and blew into his ear a little bit. The corners of his mouth pulled into a small smile, and he shook his head a little. I did it again and he murmured a little, 'stop'.

"JohnnyCake.." My voice trailed into nothing, "Johnny..." His eyes fluttered open peacefully and his eyes lit up.

"Hey baby." He pulled my face to his lips and lightly kissed my forehead. I let out a small laugh and sat down on the couch next to him, while I pulled out my homework he looked at me with a cute and tired look on his face, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Come on, come cuddle with me," he pouted like a little puppy dog.

"I can't, I've gotta do my homework." He sighed and flopped back on the couch. I pulled out my paper and started to write this damn poem I had to write for the quarter exam.

Love so bright and new, it shines just like you,
But does love really age,
Or does it just fade
How can it be so cruel to ever stop,
Two hearts beat as one,
In the bright light of the sun,
But in the night, will love take flight,
I was deserted, until you came along
You picked me up, fixed me up,
Told me I would be okay, told me you would never leave me,
But trust me, even true love fades.

I had totally forgotten that Johnny was watching me write and do my homework. He had a concerned look on his face, and I don't think he knew what to say. It took him quite a while to muster up the courage to speak, I think he was still trying to comprehend what it meant.

"You know I love you right?" I nodded and leaned back into him. "And you love me right?" I nodded again, continuing to write. "Then what does it mean?"

I sighed and put my pencil down, "it means that when you love someone, even if you think it's going to last forever, it probably won't. Love fades. Just like my parents. They used to love me, but they don't. I thought when I was little that they would love me forever. Obviously I was wrong."  I paused, contemplating if I should say what I'm about to say, "then you came along, and you say we're going to be together forever, but love fades."

"I love you." He whispered, not knowing what else to say,  "I really, really love you. And I will love you until the day I die."

"And I love you."



I had a burning feeling in my heart, but I pushed it away, because even if she thinks that my love for her will go away, it won't. Her love for me might, but I will always love her.

She continued doing her homework, moving on to math and science. I watched her small hands write cursive loops around her papers, mesmerized by the patterns and numbers. She has the prettiest handwriting I think I've ever seen.

Soon enough we all went our separate ways, Dally went to Bucks, Two-Bit and Elizabeth went home, Steve even went home, so I guess I should too. I walked down the street aimlessly, my house coming closer and closer into view. You could never tell what it would be like every night.

One night they'll be ignoring me, the next I'll get belted into tomorrow. It's basically a game. Flip a coin, your future is on the line. I opened the door to my house. My father was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, and my mother was in the kitchen sweeping. So this is the night it's gonna be. I like it better when he's hitting me. At least he knows I'm alive.

I walked into my bedroom and closed the door behind me, took off my shoes, and laid on my bed. Someday I will get out of here. Go do something with my life. Travel somewhere or find something I am really good at.

But for now I'm stuck here. Accomplishing nothing. But at least I have the boys. And Elizabeth. I'll always have her. God, I love her.

Everything about her is perfect. Her smile. The way her eyes catch the light just right. The way her laugh just flows. Her sense of humor. Her voice when she's tired. I could go on and on about this girl. But unfortunately I didn't have enough time, because I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat, palms clammy, out of breath. It was that damn dream again. Something always told me she wasn't alright after every time I have that dream. But I don't have to worry about her right now. She's okay. Because she has Two-Bit to take care of her while I'm not here, he can watch over her and protect her, and I know he will.

I pulled myself out of bed, it was still dark outside, and I didn't want to walk alone, so I couldn't go anywhere. I quietly walked into the bathroom and sat on the counter, examining my face in the mirror. There was a scar on my face, a kind of hole in my cheek, and now a small line on my lip that would eventually fade. I tried to comb my hair back, maybe get it out of my eyes, but every time I pushed it back it just fell back down. I sighed and put the comb back.

Something felt off today. I just didn't feel right. My mind started to flood with thoughts about the day and pretty much life in general. 3 months until my birthday. Which would mark a year until I can legally leave my parents. 2 weeks until Lizzie and I's one year anniversary. I hoped she would be okay not getting a really big present. That necklace really wiped me out man.

Before I knew it, I was thinking about Lizzie, how pretty she is, how lucky I am to have her. I don't think she realizes how lucky I am. How amazing she actually is. She is the prettiest girl I have every seen, and the smartest too. I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else.


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