Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning with a pair of arms draped around my waist, I was scared at first, but when I realized where I was and who it was, I snuggled closer to him and pulled the blanket up passed my shoulders. I guess you could say that it was the first time we slept together, but we weren't really together.

"Hey Bumble Bee." I heard him whisper quietly, God his morning voice was hot, not gonna lie. Raspy and dry, totally didn't match his face. But it was hot. "Hi." I whispered back, we weren't facing each other, my back was pressed against his stomach, and his chin came just above my head, he had one arm over my waist and one under me. I grabbed his hands and started fuming with his fingers.

Soda strolled in eating a piece of toast, stirring me from my thoughts by saying, "Oh look, the love birds are awake." My face and ears felt hot and I turned my body so I was facing Johnny and buried my head into his chest, groaning. Johnny laughed and I hit him in the stomach lightly, earning a groan in response.

Soda just laughed and walked back into the kitchen. I looked up at Johnny and his messy hair and sleepy face.

"Hey, I can finally take out your stitches today." I tried to sound optimistic about something, and he just looked down at me.

"That is the least of my worries, Elizabeth." He said while sitting up. He climbed over me and got off the couch, walking to the bathroom and leaving me cold in my place.

I rolled off and walked into the kitchen where all the boys were. There were a few 'hey's and 'are you okay's thrown out but I just got straight to my point.

"Will someone walk me home?" It came out quieter than I wanted it, but it was out. Two-Bit and Dally both stood up at the same time, but Dally sat back down when Two-Bit stood up, knowing that he could handle me.

We walked to the door in silence, and as soon as we walked out the door I was cold, so I crossed arms across my chest and Two-Bit wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

Instantly I felt warm, until he asked, "why didn't Johnny want to walk you home?" I felt cold inside again, just like when he left me on the couch, and just like when that Soc wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I don't know. I think he's mad about something." I said quietly as we walked up my driveway. Two-Bit opened the door and we walked in, nobody was home, thankfully. I wasn't in the mood to mess with him.

But the house was trashed. The couch was sliced up, the wall had multiple holes in it, and the drawers in the kitchen were open and thrown everywhere.

Two-Bit noticed the look on my face and ran into my dads room. He ran back out with a worried expression on his face, "All his shit is gone." I walked to the couch and sat down, putting my head in my hands, and beginning to cry again.

"Baby, it's gonna be okay." He cooed, sitting down next to me. I sobbed harder, that's exactly what he said when mom left. It was just like this. He was all I had now. And Aunt Julie, but I don't think she really even likes me.

I changed my clothes, putting on a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt. Probably one of Johnny's that he ripped or outgrew or something, and took my makeup off from yesterday.

Two-Bit helped me pack up my stuff and take it over to his house. We left my dresser and desk for later, but he helped me bring over my clothes that were hung in the closet and hung them in his because he had nothing in there.

We walked back to the Curtis house and I hoped that Johnny would be cooled off by then, maybe would be good to go on a walk or something.

When we got back there, Johnny was nowhere to be found. It's like he had dropped off the face of the Earth. Pony was sitting on the couch reading, and Mickey was on TV so you know Two-Bit was all over that. God, him and his Mickey. I looked at the time, 3:00, wow I must've slept in late, if Soda and Steve had to leave at 12:00, and Darry had to leave at 9:00, then damn I did.

I turned my attention to the TV, but wasn't actually watching. I was deep in thought when Johnny walked through the front door and threw himself on the couch next to me. I had my head in my hands and didn't even realize he was there until I felt him wrap an arm protectively around my waist.

"Hey, I'm so sorry about this morning," he whispered, so Two-Bit wouldn't get distracted, "I was pissed off about nothing."

"It's fine," I sighed while getting up, leaving him clueless on the couch, but really I was just getting the first aid kit. He groaned as I sat down next to him and got out the little scissors. I carefully cut and pulled the stitches out of his lip, mumbling a 'sorry' every time he winced.

When I finally finished, I put the scissors down and clapped my hands and he laughed at me. "You know, I don't think it's healed all the way." He suggested, I cocked an eyebrow questioningly, "I think I need you to kiss it better."

I laughed and leaned in to peck his lips, and when I released, he pulled me really close to him, we sat on the couch like that for quite a while. His arms wrapped around me protectively, my head resting in the crook of his neck.

I wish it could always be like this. But all good things have to end. Nothing Gold Can Stay.



She could've been killed yesterday. I can't believe she ran. God, I remember the first time they jumped her. I felt so helpless.

It was about a year ago, right after we were officially dating, one night she didn't make it over to Pony's house like she said she would, and I got really worried. I remember Two-Bit and I going out to find her, walking the streets for what felt like hours. I almost passed her. He was looking on the other side of the road in an alleyway, but then I saw her. Her delicate body, laying in the ditch. I called her name and practically threw myself off the road to get to her.

She'd been knocked out, blood seeping from her head, she had a gash under her jawline, and her sweater was pulled up, revealing a black and blue stomach. The first thing I did was pull her sweater down and practically rip my jean jacket off, wrapping her small frame in it. Two-Bit ran to the nearest house to call 9-1-1, but they wouldn't come into our neighborhood this late at night.

He ran back but I had already swooped her up, and began carrying her to the Curtis house. Two-Bit held her head so the blood wouldn't drip all over the ground, and we finally made it to the house. In the light, her hair looked red instead of blonde. We laid her limp body on the couch and the boys got out a bunch of rags. And I began crying while they tried to take care of her.

I just got her, I can't lose her now.

She was okay, but never the same. Just like me. Afraid of loud noises, sirens, and never walked far alone. Which is why I was surprised when she walked home yesterday. I guess she just didn't think about it, but they could have killed her.

She never really went into detail about what happened the first time they jumped her. But she didn't have to. Everyone just kind of knew. And we never talked about it, she didn't feel comfortable talking about it.

Just like we never talked about when I got jumped. At least when I got jumped, that was where it stopped, beating me up, stealing my money, but they didn't stop there with her. No they couldn't just stop there, they had to take it to the next level, which I can guarantee that's what they were going to do yesterday.

I can't help it. I just get so protective over her. And I'm just going to be ten times as protective now. No one will ever hurt her again. Not over my dead body.

Hurt; J.C.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ