Chapter 7.

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Our campus was a closed campus so once you stepped foot on school grounds there was no leaving. The main office was facing towards the student parking lot. I had no idea how we were supposed to sneak out without a staff member seeing us, or even another student and ratting us out for it. 

"I parked by the Ag building, no one will notice us over there. Not even the librarians." She stated, the Ag building was a ways away from all the classrooms, but I was still nervous. My mom would be so disappointed to find out I skipped school. 

"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this. It isn't right and both of our parents will be pissed off if they find-"

"Stop over thinking it, this is for Luke." She was right, Luke was what I needed to think about, I wanted to see Luke so incredibly bad it was hurting my stomach. I needed to calm down, I was going to give myself an anxiety attack. 

As we were walking to the parking lot, one of the Ag teachers walked from his room. It looked as if he was walking right toward us, we are done. He turned the corner to the mechanics shop, thank god. We got to her car in a matter of minutes, I was sprinting there is no way in hell I am getting caught. In my whole three years of high school I have never gotten one detention and I'm not going to begin now. I opened the car door and turned on the radio. Kalia started the car and made sure no one was around as we left.

We were driving for about five minutes when I got a text from Lead 

My brother called and said you guys wouldn't be in school today. Be safe, and Happy Birthday.

"Lead texted me, his older brother called us out of school." 

"Shut the front door. Lead is just the sweetest boy." 

"I know." I smiled at how much he cared for me. He truly was the sweetest, I don't know what I would do without him. 

"So what hotel are they staying at?" I asked.

"At the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza." She told me explaining it in a "high class" accent, I guess you could say. We both laugh and I felt a sharp pang of guilt over come my body as I think of invading Luke, Ash, Michael, and Cal's room. 

"Can't we just do something else I mean I would love to see Luke more than anything but- I - it just seems so wrong going and invading their space like that. You have no doubt seen their tweets about how girls call their room and then when they did their twitcam and those girls came to their door and wanted them to sign their belongings. Don't you think they would like some privacy for once." I was out of breath by the time I finished my spule. Hopefully Kalia would understand where I was coming from.

"Drew, stop. We are getting you to Luke and that's that." I wanted to jump out of the moving vehicle but I didn't have the guts.

It took us about twenty minutes to get the hotel and when we finally arrived my heart stopped. I couldn't breathe everything around me was turning into a foggy haze. Luke is in that building and I'm going to see him, up close and personal. 

"Are you coming?" Kalia asked. I slowly stepped out of the car and fell to the ground. "Woah." Kalia shouted. "Are you going to be okay?" She asked me with concern in her eyes. I nod and slowly get up from the ground patting myself off. 

We enter the hotel lobby, and the aroma of grapes fills my nose. The hotel was beautiful, it seemed as if it was meant to be themed in the 1950s', something I could not see those four boys staying in, it was too classy.

"How are we supposed to get up to their room?" I ask. 

"We sneak." I look at her like she had lost her mind. There is no way I'm sneaking in their room that is just too far. I don't want them to get the wrong idea, well they probably already have from the concert. We approach the front desk and Kalia starts to talk to receptionist.

"Do you think you could go fetch us the manager." She states as polite as possible.

"Why may I ask." He asks 

"We just have some questions about the hotel."  He nods and walked towards the back of the lobby. As soon as he leaves Kalia grabs my arm and starts running. Her grip tightens as we run up the stairs. I was praying no one saw us run like maniacts down the halls of the hotel. She finally stops running and started talking. 

"Okay, we are going to split up you go to the next floor and I'll stay down here." 


"Luke is here. Luke...Drew you want this, I know you do." I nod in agreement and slowly walk towards the elevator. I turned back to say something but she was already long gone. I press the button on the wall next to the elevator and wait. The elevator arrives and I walk forward pressing the button for the second floor. I stepped into the elevator and looked up to see a mirror. I did a little dance in it laughing at myself as the elevator doors open. I slowly walked out and look both ways as if I were crossing a street. I turn to the right, still walking slowly. I turn to go down a hall and all of the sudden I go flying and smash my back against a corner.

"I am so sorry!" I hear a voice say with strong pronunciation on his 's'. My vision was still blurry from the pain that my body has encountered. My vision finally came back and I realized who was standing in front of me. 

Calum Hood

"Are you okay, I am so sorry, I-I swear I didn't mean it. Me and the rest of these lads were just playing some nerf and-." He kept rambling on. 

"It's fine really." I tried standing up but it was not happening. I could tell he didn't know what to do. 

"One sec just stay right here, don't move." He demands.

"It's not like I have a choice." I say striking back. He cackles and jogs down the hall. 

I waited for what it seemed like years but was only minutes when I see four guys walking fast down the hall, I figured it was the rest of the boys. Usually I would be passing out from excitement, not from pain. I see them getting closer and closer when they finally arrive I see Luke. The expression on his face was en describable.

"Dre-Drew." He stutters. I nod I couldn't even feel excitement because my back was in horendous pain.

"Are you-you okay?" He asks me. I shake my head side to side. He looks at me in adoration and slowly bends down placing one arm under my knees and one on my back.

"Ouch!" I scream in pain and flail until he finally stops touching my back.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

"It's-it's fine." Tears welled in my eyes as he slowly pulled his arms away.

"Maybe this will help." He turns around and gets in a squat motioning for me to climb on his back. I slowly pushed myself up onto his back and he lifted himself up. In all the videos he seemed so scrawny and small but in reality he was fit. He walked calmly I could tell he cared about my pain. We approached what seemed to be their room and Michael opened the door with the hotel key. We walked into the room and it smell of dirty clothes, food, and cologne. It was disgusting but perfect at the same time. 

Luke brought me to a long leather couch and set me down ever so gently. "Are you okay?" He asks me in almost a whisper. I didn't answer I couldn't, I was so lost in his ocean blue eyes that seemed like a world of mystery I had yet to discover. He steps away from the couch and goes into the kitchen, returning soon after. 

"I forgot to you like hot chocolate?" I reply with a 'of course' he replies with a big smile showing his teeth, something that I didn't see often in pictures it seemed to ease some of my pain. He walked back into the kitchen and I heard a small laugh from the beautiful boy I was coming to adore more and more every second.

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