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Tommy's hands ran up and down Riley's back as their kiss deepened. Her skin felt smooth against his rough hands. A small moan escaped her mouth. He pulled away, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck. Breathing heavily, his conscious was getting the better of him.


The light coming in through the window made her glow. Her silhouette lightened by the orange of the street lamp. She looked like something magical, he thought.

She hooked her legs around his waist and pulled him closer as she fell back on the bed.

He brushed the hair out of her face, her eyes closing at the sensation. He kissed her lightly on the lips. When she didn't kiss back, he lifted his head and let out a low chuckle.

She had fallen asleep.

He lightly pulled the blanket out from under her and brought it up to her chin. He kissed her forehead.

"Good night Riley Mae Brighton."

Riley's shower was hot and felt great. She still had a wicked migraine but the water was soothing, making her feel slightly better than death. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten so drunk. She actually couldn't remember a lot about last night. At least after Ryan left.

She found a pink sticky note on her bedroom door from Anna.

Thought I'd let you sleep in. Be back later with sustenance. -A

She checked the time, it was already one in the afternoon. Her stomach grumbled loudly, and she wondered what time Anna would be home. She dialed her number but got no response.

"Ugh." She hadn't eaten much the night before and by now her body was running on fumes.

The apartment was still full of empty cups and beer bottles, streamers and half dead balloons. She was not in the mood to clean. Instead, she walked lazily to the fridge and checked the contents. Three day's old chinese, a half eaten slice of pepperoni pizza and a slice of cake. She settled on a bottle of water. She took a long drink, the water feeling so refreshing as it ran down her throat. The silence of the apartment was broken by the sudden click of the front door unlocking. The door slowly creaked open.

"Thank god. I was just about to eat my arm off." Riley turned expecting to see Anna but was greeted by a straight faced Ryan.

"Expecting someone else?" He closed the door behind him and turned the lock with a definitive click.

"Just Anna. She was bringing food." Riley leaned her elbows on the kitchen counter. She figured he was here to apologize but she sighed and caved first.

"Ryan, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to yell at you. I just feel like we haven't been us lately." Already tired of being on her feet, she hopped onto the counter, letting her feet dangle and knock into the cabinets beneath her.

Ryan closed the space between them. "Is that all you're sorry for?"

She looked down at her tattoo. She knew he would be pissed but she loved it regardless.

"I don't understand what the big deal is Ryan." She held her arm out but he didn't look down. "Its not like it says 'Fuck bitches, get money'". She laughed but the joke was wasted on him. Instead he just tapped his fingers on the counter.

"Remember when we first met, and you were studying to be a lawyer?" His voice was steady and calm.

She nodded.

"Then after your first year you decided to change your major to art?" He scoffed at the thought and shook his head. "Your parent's flipped out. I should have never let you do that."

Fighting For Her - A 'Warrior' FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant