When I called my mom didn't answer her cell but it was my sister.
"Hi, Diana. What are you doing at the house?" I asked, surprised that my sister was at the house.
She has been travelling the world so to speak and was in Australia the last time I spoke to my mom.
"Yeah, I'm back. Gerry called me like ten minutes ago. She said the two of you are having a baby."
"Diana, I hope you didn't tell mom. Is she around?"
"No, I didn't tell mom. Will call...oh, hang on. She's here."
Mom sounded a little out of breath when she spoke.
"Hello, Rheese. What are you suppose to tell me?"
"Hi mom. It looks like I'm the father of the baby," I said, getting straight to the point.
My mom wasn't too suprised at the news, as I spoke to her and my dad when I was back in London.
"When did you find out?"
"This morning."
"So what are you going to do?"
"For now I'm staying in Cape Town and sorting out my life here. Gerry being pregnant with my child does make things a little complicated but I'll work something out."
"How's Liz feeling about all this?" my mom asked.
"I haven't told her yet. I know what you gonna say mom. I'll tell her soon."
"You better. She deserves to know. I have to go but we will talk soon."
"Okay mom. Speak to you soon."

I got into my car, gripped the steering wheel and pulled away.
I needed to think.
When I finally got back to my apartment, I called Keith to join me for a run and chat.
He was the only one I could talk to about my situation.


Glad that the working day was over, I walked outside to find Rheese not waiting for me outside as always.
It was strange but I didn't dwel on it and started walking to my place.
When I got back to my apartment, Rheese was no where in sight.
Feeling nauseas, I made myself a cup of ginger tea but as I took the first sip, my insides churned and ran to the bathroom.
I sat in front the toilet, tears running down my cheeks, vomiting. A surge of pain in my abdomen went through me and I screamed out in pain.
My first thought was to call Rheese but decided against it. Instead I dialled Ben's number.
Ben picked up on the first ring.
"B...Ben..." I said, not being able to put words together.
"Lizzy...is that you?"
"Ben...I need you."
That was all I managed to say to Ben before I vomited, accompanied with more pain.
I didn't hear his response to what I said sitting with my head over the toilet, holding my stomach.
I got myself somehow to my bed after feeling weak.

It took Ben, what seemed forever, to get to my place.
Laying on my bed, saying a mantra, 'Please let Ben get here before Rheese. Please... '
Hearing the door open, hoping it was Ben.
"Lizzy...what the fuck!" Ben said, with horror written all over his face. "We need to get you to the emergency rooms."
I must've looked like death for Ben to react the way he did. I didn't protest and let him do what he had to.

When I got to the emergency rooms, they bombarded me a lot of questions.
What I had to eat for the day. When did I start feeling like this. Am I in pain...I thought The questions would never stop.
The doctor decided on doing a ultra sound before administering any sort of medication.
Ben was by my side and all I could say was, 'Please don't call Rheese.'
The last thing I needed was Rheese freaking out.
Ben promised that he wouldn't and before I knew it they were wheeling me to the x-ray room, leaving Ben behind.

As I layed on the hospital bed, I closed my eyes and let the doctor do what he had to.
I could feel the cold gel being squirted on the lower part of my tummy before a round probe started moving across it.
It was a few minutes later when the doctor cleared his throat and spoke.
"Ms. Forbes, you can open your eyes."
I reluctantly opened my eyes, looking at the doctor.
"What you having is morning sickness. It looks like your pregnant. You're just over four weeks. And the pain you are having in your abdomen is your colon that's playing up. I'll prescribe some medication for your discomfort and supplements for the baby, but you gonna have to schedule an appointment with your gynecologist in the next three weeks."
"No, it can't be. No..."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I've been feeling better for weeks after I took the home pregnancy test and thought it had to be faulty test.
I took the morning after pill and started taking my contraceptive after that regularly.
This wasn't happening.
"I take it, it's a bit of a surprise to you then," the doctor said, looking at me.

When I finally came out with a script in my hands for 'pregvites' a supplement for pregnant woman and some medication for my colon, Ben was waiting for me.
"So...what's the verdict?"
I looked at Ben, mad with myself and the universe, and walked away.
"Lizzy...wait up! Running after me. "What's wrong? What did the doctor say?" Ben said, looking at me worried.
"Fuck...fuck...Ben I'm pregnant or shall I say still pregnant."
The pain in my colon was the last of my worries at the moment.
"But I thought you said it was just your anxiety."
"Well it turned out it's not. What am I going to do, Ben," I said and tears formed in my eyes again.
Ben walked over and wrapped me in his arms, making me feel safe. Shut, I was missing the time we always spend together.
"Lizzy, it's going to be okay. Don't stress girl. I've got your back."
"Ben...please don't tell Keith or Rheese about this. I need time to think."
"Okay, I promise but you can't think about it forever. You know it will show," he said, giggling.
He hooked his arm through mine and we walked back to his car.

I was in my room after having a shower when I heard Ben on his cell.
Ben came into my room and came to sit on the bed.
"Lizzy...that was Keith and he said that Rheese is in a bit of a state and asking for you."
I didn't want to know what was going on with Rheese. I haven't heard from him since this morning and was glad for that but he could've called me.
"What do you mean he's in a state? Is he drunk?"
"It looks like it. Keith went to Rheese this evening just before you called. They went for a run but knowing Keith they most probably ended up having a few drinks afterwards."
I wondered why he would drink to the point of getting drunk. I've never seen Rheese drunk since we've been together.
"If you want to, I'll drive you to his apartment," Ben said.
"Thanks, Ben. I would appreciate it. I'm still not out of the woods with the way I'm feeling. The doctor said it's different for each woman. Let's just hope it won't last long and that Rheese won't notice."

Rheese and Keith were on the balcony when we walked into the apartment.
Rheese was speaking loud and myself and Ben looked at each other, thinking he's yelling at Keith. It looked like Keith was trying to calm him down when we made our presence known.
"Hi, guys." Myself and Ben said at the same time.
"Liz...come over here!" Rheese yelled out demanding my presence.
I ignored him and spoke to Keith instead.
"What the hell is going on with Rheese, Keith? I've never seen him like this."
As Keith wanted to answer me, Rheese got up, staggering, over to me.
"Elizabeth...I...I love you..."
Keith caught him just in time before he went falling to the ground.
Keith took Rheese to the bedroom, putting him on the bed and Ben helped.
I stayed behind and went to the kitchen to make me a cup of tea seeing that I couldn't have a drink. I just couldn't think of any reason for him to drink so much.
"I'm sorry Liz. We went for a run and then had some drinks after we came back but I think Rheese had more than what he could handle."
I couldn't blame Keith. Rheese was a big boy and he had himself to blame for the way he was going to feel in the morning.
"Don't stress Keith. Can I get you guys anything to drink?"
"No way. I'm taking my man while I can and heading home," Ben said, giggling.
Ben always found the funny side to life and I wished I could have an attitude like him. I think that's why we ended up being besties. We balanced each other. I was the serious one and Ben was the happy go lucky one.
I walked them out, saying goodnight and closed the door, locking it.

When I walked into the room Rheese was moaning in his sleep. I started undressing him and found myself admirering his body.
Looking at his broad shoulders, muscled arms and his ribbed chest. He was build to perfection.
"Liz..." Rheese moaned as I took off his shirt and I stepped back as his hand reached out to me automatically. I knew that if I let him, he would make love to me even in his drunken state. I left his jeans on taking off his shoes and socks.
I climbed on the bed next to him and pulled the comforter over us.

Could It Be Forever (Book 1, Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now